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Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - 16 March 2018
Be assured that all goes well and although it is chaotic in some countries. The underlying reason is that dramatic changes are occurring, that are necessary to make way for that which is to be introduced. The changes are all part of your introduction to the New Age that is gradually showing itself as the old energies dissipate. Do not be dismayed at whatever measures are called for to clear the old away, as you will have everything to gain in the course of time. As time progresses the old ways that have no place in the future will gradually disappear. It will be an unsettling unavoidable situation, so never lose sight of the fact that the best is yet to come.
Now that you have progressed past the marker, the restrictions where extraterrestrial visitors to Earth are concerned have been lifted, but there is still a vetting system to ensure that none of them are intent on interfering with your path to Ascension. It is time to meet your “spiritual parents” who are the Pleiadians, and in due course it will take place. Future events are well planned, and all with the intention of preparing you for the upliftment of your vibrations, and the ultimate is of course your Ascension. So to say, happy times are around the corner and most likely far beyond your present ability to predict. Little by little you have been given some ideas of what it holds, yet you will be greatly surprised by the extent of the beneficial changes.
You will become free souls that are so advanced, that you will be the master of your own future and have much more choice as to what you can do. You will be responsible souls and lead your life in accordance with spiritual edicts from the hierarchy that oversee all of your progress. Life from hereon will get better and better, and already some of you sense the changes that are taking place. The greater plan for your advancement is controlled by those powerful souls from the Godhead who ensure that all is carried out in balance and harmony with All that Is. In fact through all of your lifetimes higher souls accompany you and help you with their guidance, but will always honour your free choice.
With spiritual teachings much is made of the need to be non-judgemental, because you cannot possibly know the life plan of another soul. You may be involved with another one and between you for better or worse as you would understand it, you help each other to evolve. Often souls are linked together for karmic reasons, and may have spent earlier lives together and by playing different roles helped each other evolve. Bear in mind that as a soul you are immortal, and when you leave the Godhead to gain further experience, you not only have many, many lives but have all manner of different situations that offer you the opportunity to evolve. For that reason, never look down at another soul, but appreciate that just like you they are following a life plan that they have already agreed to experience.
In between incarnations you usually spend your time in what is called the Summerland for obvious reasons. You meet other souls, your family, relations and friends including your grandparents all presenting themselves to you as they like to be seen, and not as aged individuals as most were when they passed over. Can you imagine a level where the vibrations are somewhat higher than on Earth, where the power of thought is supreme. In these circumstances you do not need money although you can still shop for anything you want, have tea and crumpets or whatever you fancy – all free. It sounds unbelievable but I can assure you that what I have described will be waiting for you. There are waters and sea but they are not exactly as upon Earth, but you can still go sailing or enjoy other such activities.
I can hear the response now and questions such as “where is this place” and what about the numbers of people between incarnations, where are they all. Firstly, there are levels of existence that are divided a little like the countries on Earth, so you are with as you might say your own kind. Cars, buses and the like are only there for “old times sake” and in time you can travel by the power of thought, but many souls enjoy the methods of transport they were used to on Earth. All in all, it means there is no “sky traffic” as it is not needed and it always appears bright and sunny, hence the name “Summerland”. When you first arrive you will have had what you might call a debriefing where your life experiences are discussed to see where you may need further lessons, but it does not involve any form of judgement whatsoever. So where do you go from here, that depends on when you need another life experience on Earth, and when the circumstances meet your needs. So be assured everything is well organised to make everyone feel at home.
Take your life seriously and follow what is clearly your life plan, events will show you where you are meant to go and for that reason may be different to what you anticipate. I have told you previously that no soul is given more than they can handle, and of course you invariably get help along the way. It is important that you apply yourself to working for a good outcome. At any time you can only do your best and for that you will make progress. You would be surprised if you knew how hard your Guides work to help you have a successful life experience. Talk out loud to them as they would be pleased to know you are aware of their existence. They follow your every move as they need to be with you constantly, they are also aware of your life plan and do their best to keep you to it.
All of you are very experienced souls having had hundreds, if not thousands of incarnations, but you have not incarnated with full knowledge for this lifetime, only that which is necessary to see you through the type of life you needed to make further progress. You will never lose the advances you have made, but as mentioned they can be held back from you if necessary. Your experiences will eventually lead you on to Masterhood and even greater things, and you can move at your own speed as everything is in the “Now” so you have as much time as you desire. Time is an illusion and in a 3D existence it is linear and you work to it very well.
On Earth things now tend to change a lot quicker than they used to, and in general all of them are affected by the higher vibrations you are moving into. Gradually some of you will find that you are beginning to experience synchronisation of events in your lives, and others may become more telepathic. It will increase over time as more and more souls raise their own vibrations. In other words you are beginning to increase your vibrational levels as part of your path to becoming a Galactic Being
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.
In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.
Website: Tree of the Golden Light
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