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Blossom: Good morning. I would like to get this week’s channelling done today, as I don’t have any other time to do so before Sunday. However, once again, I find myself in an ‘off mood!’ So, I’m going to try and see what happens. What will be will be. Welcome, Blossom. Welcome, One. Welcome, All. Shall we discuss your reasons for your ‘downtime’? No, thank you. To recognise that I am not always able to be a ‘law-abiding Lightworker’ and accept it, is all I need to do! We accept it. We accept WholeHeartedly that we are not the ones abiding in the Vibration that you are and having to deal with its ups and downs … of great degrees. We are in awe of the way so many of you choose to cope with all that you have to contend with and you do so with great aplomb. Not really. Today for instance … I know it is a matter of changing my attitude, Being Grateful, etc. Yet, I am too fed up to be bothered! You see what I mean? I know better … yet, I don’t want to act upon it because I am fed up of always having to ‘act on it’. It’s hard work! Blossom Goodchild. Yes … that’s me. We know. We know who you are. We know your feelings because we can pick up on your Energy. Not very Vibrationally High today, is it? Actually, yes, it is. As Light Beings in human form, you feel you let yourselves down when you are not conforming to the practicalities of ‘making the most of what you have’. This idea of I should know better … does not really serve you. Yet, I do know better. You know how to Serve your Soul by ‘working on your mood’? Yes. What if we were to tell you that by allowing yourself to feel the way you are at this time is also Serving your Soul? How so? Because by allowing yourself to feel so grumpy … Yep! That’s me today, BIG TIME Mrs Grumpy! You are giving yourself permission to be human! Do you feel you will stay in this mood for the rest of your life? Absolutely not. How do you know this? Because ‘life’ doesn’t work like that! How does it work? Actually, it doesn’t ‘work’ … it flows … upstream or downstream … depending on what’s going on. Nothing flows upstream, Blossom. Yet, to say ‘it flows’ is a beautiful analogy. So, who puts the rocks in the way to block that flow? Life. Why? So you get to work around them and set the flow in motion, time after time. Why can’t we just have a continual flow of Love and all things Light flowing in this Life of ours? I feel you are going to say ‘to learn’. How many lessons do we need, for goodness sake? As many as it takes for you to rise above it all and KNOW THE FLOW IS A GO! Hah! Are you serious? You made me laugh, nonetheless. Yet, does this ever stop? One feels we have a grasp on the ‘laws of the universal flow’. We have been reminded through you, how to change thought patterns and to connect with our Love Light, and Smile and make the World a happier place through the usage of such tools. Sometimes it is easy, sometimes it feels like a never-ending slog, and yet, probably, this afternoon, I will once again find it easy. Who knows?! Who knows about anything?! Not one. Because we have no clue what is Truth any more! TRUTH in what you are presented? Or, Truth, as in, who you are? Interesting question. Definitely in what is presented, yet, also, I could say, in who we are. Regarding NPC’s for example. (Non-Playing character) I know I am a living, breathing Soul with a mind, an ego, a Heart of Love. ‘Apparently’, not everyone on this Planet has all those attributes, if any. The more we find out the Truth … assuming that is the Truth … the more RIDICULOUS we discover this Life Plan Game is, and, I can’t get my head around all this ridiculousness! Because you can’t understand it? Can you? There is no understanding required, Blossom. ALL … JUST … IS. I don’t understand! So, Blossom and Each one following along … YOU DO NOT NEED TO UNDERSTAND EVERYTHING THAT IS GOING ON … ON YOUR PLANET OR ANY OTHER. LET THAT GO. Trying to make sense of it all … is impossible? Why? Because it doesn’t make sense? Oh, it does! Yet, it is impossible to grasp the enormity of the sense it is making. There are many, many, Souls who have experienced ‘leaving the physical and entering into the ‘unknown’ and then returning to the physical body. The unknown that is Known by all because it is WHO YOU ARE. Within this ‘place’, for want of a better word … ONE KNOWS AND UNDERSTANDS EVERYTHING. There are no textbooks or words … IT IS A FEELING … AND WITHIN THIS FEELING, EVERYTHING MAKES SENSE. ALL OF IT. We repeat … ONE KNOWS AND UNDERSTANDS EVERYTHING. ONE GETS IT. ONE IS IT. Is what? THE ALL. THE EVERYTHING. I have always felt how Blessed those Souls are to have had that experience. Either through a NDE (Near Death Experience) or, a deep meditation. They say, that when they ‘come back’ their life is never the same. It would make a huge difference to this Planet if we could all get a load of that! And I know you want to say ‘we can’ … and I want to reply … ‘Not so!’ Why can some experience that and others not? It is part of their life’s journey. Some could say, all be it childishly … that’s so unfair! Not childishly, Blossom … perhaps naively. Dearest Souls, there are thousands upon thousands, upon thousands of trillions, upon trillions upon trillions … just as a starter … of scenarios that are to be played out in Each Souls ‘package’. Every Gift is offered to be played out … in any lifetime… on any Planet … on or off! Gifts come in all shapes, sizes, surprizes, and guises. All there in one’s package to be unwrapped by the recipient at the most agreeable moment to Serve that Soul. Often, in the most unforeseen, unexpected ways. And we reiterate … ALL THOSE GIFTS … EACH AND EVERY SINGLE ONE ARE CHOSEN BY YOU … GIFT WRAPPED BY YOU … TO BE OPENED IN THE DIVINE MOMENT TO SERVE YOUR SOUL. So, am I to look upon this mood … I was/am … in … as a gift I chose to wake up to this morning, followed shortly after by a teabag bursting all over my draw? Do you see it as a Gift, Blossom? Maybe I can at least look upon it as such because it enabled me to get a channelling done … no matter how ‘indulgent’ the content. We want you to say what you are screaming in your Heart? Why? Because it is your Truth and that is why tears are falling. It’s so indulgent. Say it, Blossom. I MISS MY HUSBAND!! Thank you, Blossom. That in itself …. Is a Gift to so many. You think? We KNOW. That is why we pushed you. How is that a gift to so many? Because you ‘Stopped being Brave’ for a minute and spoke your Truth. I don’t see it as brave. We all have our challenges and besides, we are here to uplift, are we not? We are. Yet, we are also here to BE IN TRUTH … and today, Blossom, THIS IS YOUR TRUTH. Yep! … Yep! … Yep! … It is! Now I just need the courage to post this! You will find it. You always do. We take this moment to Thank YOU Blossom Goodchild … for carrying on when you don’t always feel like it. In doing so … our messages of Love reach so many. Well, I thank you for thanking me … publicly. Yet, concerns of channelling my ego could arise! Yet … you know better! I think I do. I hope I do. Far out Brussel Sprout! What a session. I thank you Guys and I thank everyone who reads or listens to this for holding space for me. What a Gift. I AM the Light. I AM the Love. I AM the Truth. I AM. In Gratitude. In Loving Service. I AM. AT LAST ... YOUR VIDEO ... YES ... YOU! TOGETHER AS ONE.
I AM THE LIGHT. I AM THE LOVE. I AM THE TRUTH. I AM! DONATIONS are always a beautiful Blessing. Many thanks! Website: Blossom Goodchild and Direct.me/whitecloud ![]()
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