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Good morning, my friends. It is our ‘thing’ to uplift and encourage, is it not? So, what can you offer today, to do just that? If you would be so kind? Welcome to Each One and to you, Dearest Blossom. Yes indeed, this is our intent. We are aware of the many who are feeling far from uplifted at this time and we desire to assist them in ways to bring Heartened Light to their Beings. Thank you. It is such a ‘strange’ time. It’s like the entire Planet has gone insane. No one knows what to believe about what is going on. Such a divide. So much questioning and changing of plans etc. It’s hard to keep a handle on one’s KNOWING that ALL IS WELL! Yet, it is! Is it not that when the wind blows, it can seem as if the candle flame may blow out? Yet, Courage and Strength will always prevail. The winds, the storms shall pass, and one recovers once again … feeling renewed Power within. Yes, yet, one wonders how long this is going to continue before something concrete, something tangible occurs? It just seems to go on and on. This waiting game seems to have become a way of life! Yet, you continue on in TRUST, HOPE, AND LOVE. For you KNOW that changes are upon you. Your Heart cannot deny this. Yet, as we have said … This is SO HUGE! It is not an overnight job, Blossom. I know. So then, what shall we speak of? I know many are concerned about vaccines, and I indeed, have seen some rather nasty ‘outcomes’ from those whom it ‘did not agree with’. You said it would not come to mandatory vaccinations, yet, many seem so ‘ignorant’ of the consequences. I know of many having it. How do we console ourselves when friends etc, have chosen this path? As much as you do not like to hear this Blossom, it is their journey, not yours. Each and everyone walk their pathway … doing what they think is correct and the Truth for them. So, therefore, at any given moment, that is their choice to have a vaccine or not. All very well, yet, some of the consequences are awful. Nervous systems shot to pieces, mental disorders … eh … death!!!??? Yet, still it is THEIR life’s journey, Blossom. Again, one must look at the bigger picture. Which you say we cannot do, from down here. You know, sometimes, I find it pretty difficult to have conversations like these, for the topics are too delicate, too intricate, and too much responsibility, to be honest! … … … … … … … Hello? It feels we have come to a halt? Have we? Only in that, the state of play at the moment upon your Planet is ever-changing. One moment at a time. The wind blows this way and that as the final stages before Victory play out. Yes, we understand that so much seems so wrong! So much that seems to be flowing in a different direction from what one was expecting. Yet, did we not say to you that it would certainly seem this way for a time? Yes, yet people are being damaged. People are dying. Is this right? Is this necessary? Blossom, with the greatest of respect, we do not look upon death in the way many upon your Planet do. Passing through the veil takes one through to Freedom. There are no accidents, Blossom. Yes. White Cloud has said this. So, if one were to ‘pass through the veil’ because the vaccine did not agree with them … that’s meant to be, is it? Would they not have lived longer if they didn’t have it? Yet, they did have it. They passed over because it was their time. The same with anyone who passes over … it is their time. It really is as SIMPLE as that! This time that you are in … is a different type of ‘struggle’. Due to the internet … there is so much that is able to deceive and confuse. All part of the plan from those in darkness to thwart the Light. These are the end games. ALL YOU NEED DO IS HOLD ONTO THE TRUTH IN YOUR HEART. IT KNOWS WHAT TO DO … WHAT TO THINK AND HOW TO REACT. Yes, yet some days, one just wants to hide away and skip this entire chapter. And you know we will remind you … over and over … on repeat play … over and over … YOU WANTED TO BE HERE AT THIS TIME! Yes … but … but … but … but!!! But nothing, actually Blossom. You knew it would be tough and it will get tougher. That’s just it! That’s what we spoke of last time … we need some soul food for stamina to keep us going. Let me ask you a question … Did YOU know it would be this tough? Yes. We did … and … we know it will get tougher. In ways of? EVERYTHING. Oh yes, indeed, here we are bringing in upliftment and encouragement! Yet, these ARE words of Encouragement. For you KNOW you have to remain in your Strength. You have to be prepared for NOW AND ALL THAT IS TO COME. AND YOU ARE! Yet, sometimes we feel so weak. And yet, other times you feel so Strong! YOU ARE THE WARRIORS OF LIGHT. YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO. THE MANTRA IS DESIGNED TO STRENGTHEN. THE MANTRA CONTAINS SO MANY CODES IN ORDER TO HELP SEE YOU THROUGH. THE MANTRA IS YOUR UPLIFTMENT AND ENCOURAGEMENT! IT IS YOUR SWORD OF LIGHT, BLOSSOM. Indeed, I have been blessed with hearing so many stories of how it has helped so many, in so many different scenarios. THEN KEEP ON KEEPING ON. I AM THE LIGHT. I AM THE LOVE. I AM THE TRUTH. I AM. I AM THE LIGHT. I AM THE LOVE. I AM THE TRUTH. I AM. I AM THE LIGHT. I AM THE LOVE. I AM THE TRUTH. I AM. Thank you. I definitely KNOW it helps. We would say, it is the key to the door. Great! What door? Where? Again, a figure of speech. Yet, you know what we mean? Yes, I indeedy do! Monoliths? Let us speak of Monoliths! 199 now on the tracker site. Yet, many there to confuse and ridicule. Though many there, ‘set in stone’ for their Divine purpose. IN TIME … YOU SHALL SEE. Good chat! The thing is … we have sort of talked about it all, over the last year. What’s new to talk about at this point? There is much you are unable to tell us … so we can’t delve into certain matters. You have offered us encouragement. I mean … what? Where do we go from here? Rather than discuss matters that we don’t seem to be moving forward on. I’m not having a go … just saying that’s how it feels. Sort of a bit ‘stumped’. I know thousands of people right now, know of a thousand questions to ask … yet, they do not walk in my moccasins! That’s all I can say to describe where I feel we are at. Dearest Blossom … perhaps this is a time to absorb the Greater Energies of Love that are available to ALL. Sometimes, it is that one can get so caught up in trying to ‘find out the Truth’ and jump down one rabbit hole after another … when they would find it far more beneficial to simply KNOW that THE TRUTH LIES WITHIN … yet, they forget to jump into their Heart. If more people were to … would we say … Let go and Let BE … their strength would increase a thousand-fold. Their connection to Source would Strengthen. Their Light would shine more Brightly. The choice is in the hands of each individual. Yes. I get that … yet, many have very inquisitive minds and have the need to KNOW MORE. Yet, will it not be that ALL WILL BE REVEALED IN DIVINE TIMING? Yes. However, down here one tends to pop down a rabbit hole or two … just to try and make sense of it all. YOUR HEART CAN DO THAT WITH THREE DEEP BREATHS AND THREE ROUNDS OF THE MANTRA! You say that! It certainly is calming and has many other offerings yet, to say it helps to make sense of this world and all its goings-on right now … Nup! Not for me, anyway. Not yet! Yet, it does soothe so! Blossom and ALL SOULS drawn to these words by the Truth in their BEINGNESS … YOU KNOW YOU WILL CONTINUE ON. YOU KNOW THE LIGHT HAS WON. YOU KNOW THAT ALL STRENGTH WILL RETURN EVERY MINUTE IT IS NEEDED. YOU KNOW YOU KNOW THE TRUTH. AND INDEED, THAT IS ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW. This is all so much easier said than done. Yet, you KNEW! You … Each One … are exceeding expectations. You ARE the STRONGEST OF THE STRONG. Of this, there is no doubt. We watch you … and you are proving this to us. YOUR KNOWING WILL BE VALIDATED. JUST YOU WAIT AND SEE. Nothing we can do but wait … and stay hopeful and in our Strength … Feels a bit of a ‘non-plus’ one today. Best we can do! In Gratitude. In Loving Service. I AM. Website: Blossom Goodchild ![]()
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