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Hello, my friends. Last week’s message was received with such Power. ‘WOW’ was the general expletive! Thank you, from so many. Also, excitement about the Envelopes. Many took it to mean that they would be opening up soon. I didn’t necessarily feel that, yet, would hate to put a dampener on it. Would you care to talk more about these things? I know many would be deLighted. Welcome, Blossom, Welcome All. We are of/in much Joy that our messages are received in such an Energetical mode. This means also, that one’s Being is opening up to a Higher level of itself … allowing this to take place within a greater acceptance of the Truth of the Soulself. So, we know the postman is not going to deliver these envelopes and we are not getting them by email. In fact, it is understood they are metaphorical. Each one adapted to the individual’s Knowing. Is this correct? Indeed, this is so, Blossom. THE CONTENTS OF THESE ENVELOPES WERE WRITTEN BY YOU. THE SELF. On the understanding of where one would be positioned at the time and place when they are to be unsealed. Therefore, would we say perhaps, that one could pick and choose from a vast array of ‘suggestions’ in order to suit the Soulself’s desires to be of assistance on this mission? For it is indeed, a mission! Were we assisted with these suggestions? Very much so. For, some chose ideologies that may not be congruent with the life’s situation. We would not say it was ‘above their station’ per se, yet, Each One given guidance in the most appropriate ‘choice’ for where those in Higher Knowledge knew one would succeed when the time came. It’s very much an open book here. You say there are ‘instructions’ … not orders? Correct. We have sometimes used the word ‘orders’, yet, only from the point of view of recalling that which one chose to fulfill. One must understand, Blossom, that it is not as in ‘must do’ … yet, ‘desiring to do’ that which is contained within them. Ranging from what to what? Folk are keen for examples, if that is appropriate? Firstly, may we say … one will FEEL the knowledge contained. One will FEEL as if they have known this ‘awareness’ their entire Life. Which of course, they have. Yet, on what level of ‘doing’? Clearly, it’s not going to be ‘mow people’s lawns every Thursday? What exactly are we talking here? ON A LEVEL OF ABSOLUTE KNOWING OF ONE’S PATHWAY. Many would say ‘At last’! You see, Blossom, we are unable to give exact ‘messages’ because the receiving of them will be an ‘Aha’ moment … where TRUE ‘completion’ of understanding why you are here can be found. It is not a matter of ‘you go and do this and you go and do that’. FIRSTLY, IT WILL BE A KNOWING OF THE READINESS. THE ABSOLUTE KNOWING … and as one continues about their days … opportunities will be presented to each in order to carry out their ‘instructions’. Yet, are we not ‘sort of’ doing that now? Yes, indeed. Yet, not on the level that it will be known and understood by you when it takes place. Because when it takes place … your Beingness … your Vibration … will have upgraded enormously and therefore, that which you may speculate of how it will be in this moment … will not be how it will be when the time comes! Blossom, when one KNOWS … KNOWS THE TRUTH … WHEN ONE FEELS THE TRUTH OF TRUTH … there is a recognition that aligns within that KNOWING that allows wonders to be revealed. Wonders that the Soul … Each One … can manifest and Shine forth on a level, that one … at this space of their Being, could not imagine. So, are we talking on levels of healing, for instance? Very much so. What else? Word of mouth … from mouth. Words shall flow from your lips that soothe and ignite. Telepathic skills shall be greatly enhanced, also. Mm. I have to be honest here, speaking of ‘flowing’ … this conversation isn’t! I thought it would yet, you seem to be hesitant. This is correct. We like to assist where we can and enhance one’s expectancy of Joy, and yet, much will have taken place by the time these Envelopes are presented and therefore, much that we would say, would not resonate as fully as it should, when trying to explain this before its time. Oh, OK. Fair enough. Should we leave it there, then? It would be wise, we feel. Could you just give us an ‘in a nutshell’ to conclude? If a nut is cracked before its ‘term’, the inner contents are not edible. They are not in full Bloom, would we say. We give you talk of such matters in preparation … for the Soul needs the ‘awareness of this that is to come’, yet, this does not necessarily mean the time is now. No point in asking when? No point at all. One thing we would like to point out and many are already aware of this … If we were to reveal that which we know about many, many, things to satisfy your curiosities … it would change the course of the journey. Not only one’s own journey, yet, the trajectory of the Universal Divine Plan. If one knew in advance that which is to take place … one would behave differently because of it, and therefore, this would change the Plan! Do you see? Very much so. Some though, and I get why, long to be given some of this insight in order to have the desire to carry on. To have some Hope. They feel if they knew ‘this or that’ … it would give them strength and lift their Vibration. Blossom, Dearest Souls … The way to lift one’s Vibration is not by having knowledge of what is to come. IT IS BY BEING IN THE MOMENT OF NOW … FULLY PRESENT … IN EVERY BREATH YOU TAKE. When you understand this … you bring the Energy of NOW into the self. It is absorbed, accepted and appreciated. When you look ahead … to keep you going … to keep you interested in ‘yourself’, you are denying Joy from BEING YOU. I know I have said this before yet, Truly … I, for one, need/like things to look forward to. Not big things, just Grateful for small mercies, as they say. Blossom, what if we were to tell you that in four hours from now, you were to transition? You are not, yet, let us use this scenario to explain. Phew! As much as I don’t want to be here sometimes … if actually offered the opportunity to go … I know I would not accept. So, let us say you have four hours left on your Planet … would you be looking forward to it? Some days, yes! Kidding! I would accept that was the case. And … what would you do with those four hours? Make the most of the time I had left. How? Appreciating EVERYTHING. From Family, Friends, Nature, the Elements … you name it … I’d be appreciating, in the knowing, that soon I wouldn’t have it anymore. Should I or you, shout out BINGO? Precisely. Sometimes, one does not appreciate what they’ve got till it’s gone and when it has gone, you can still appreciate it … yet, with the remnants of wishing you had done so more when you had it … TRULY APPRECIATED THE GIFT THAT IT WAS. THAT WHICH IS IN FRONT OF YOU … OPPORTUNITIES TO SERVE THAT POP UP CONTINUALLY ARE HEIGHTENED A THOUSAND-FOLD IN ENERGY … IN ENERGETIC VIBRATION WHEN THEY ARE APPRECIATED FOR WHAT THEY ARE, APPRECIATED FOR BEING THERE IN YOUR PRESENT MOMENT. Do not think that picking up a piece of litter is a lesser service than a donation given to build a hospital. Do not think that your Smile to one Soul has lesser impact than an innovative speaker uplifting the hearts of thousands. WHEN YOU COME FROM THE HEART IN ALL THAT YOU DO … YOU ARE COMING FROM LOVE. ACTS OF LOVE ARE ACTS OF SERVICE … NO MATTER HOW INSIGNIFICANT THEY MAY SEEM TO YOU. AN ACT OF SERVICE FROM THE HEART CAN NOT BE MEASURED OR COMPARED. IT IS WHAT IT IS. LOVE … from one to another … it matters not if it is to one or many … it is of the same Vibration … because it is YOU … BEING YOU … IN TRUTH OF SELF … THE HIGHEST SELF. It is the Highest Honour to be of service. To hold space for another who needs to be heard. To offer some pennies from your purse, even when there is little in it … to one who has less than you and is in need. AND WITHIN THAT … Within that GIVING FROM/OF THE HEART … and for no other reason than it is who you are … you receive more Love back to yourself. You did not take the action of service in order to receive … yet, it is law. You cannot give Love … in service to others, and not receive the abundance that will automatically flow back to you. IT IS THE CIRCLE OF LIFE. For what you give unto others you give unto yourself. Yet, there is little purpose in giving in order to receive … one gives in order to give … and in that giving … the Love is returned. Remember, Dearest Souls … your Bravery and Courage is admired by so many. To be able to accomplish even the smallest offering of service in a world that has programmed you to do the opposite … is remarkable. When you are made aware in fullness of the dampening down of your Souls Light by those who do not have your best interest ‘at heart’, you will be amazed how YOU … THE STRONGEST OF THE STRONG … managed to accomplish all that you have. You will pat yourself on the back and say … ‘WOW, I NEVER REALISED HOW GREAT I AM! Those of us in Higher realms KNOW THIS … and it is our Greatest Desire that you come to KNOW the same. With your encouragement, we are recognizing this and allowing our Light to Shine through Brightly, as we strip off each layer put upon us. WE’VE GOT THIS. In Gratitude. In Loving Service, I AM. AT LAST ... YOUR VIDEO ... YES ... YOU! TOGETHER AS ONE.
I AM THE LIGHT. I AM THE LOVE. I AM THE TRUTH. I AM! DONATIONS are always a beautiful Blessing. Many thanks! Website: Blossom Goodchild ![]()
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