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![]() Good morning to you. Straight to it. As more and more BS churns out to us … I become less and less interested in it, to the point of detaching from any form of emotion other than ‘This is all BS!’. Nothing seems real. I look at others walking by and don’t feel part of the plot. Have I just become totally insensitive to other’s suffering, or am I becoming more ‘aware’? It’s like nothing makes sense, and I can’t be bothered to try and work it out! I’m not depressed, just curious. Welcome and a Good Morning to you Blossom and those of interest in what we ‘churn out’ in these conversations. Well, that’s made me giggle to start with! I wasn’t actually referring to you, more so the goings on of the Planet and discovering more and more lies. We have become so divided depending on what we choose to be fed, to the point that if you want to stay ‘in touch’ with someone, its best to talk about the weather, yet, that’s all BS too, although so many don’t know that! Dearest Blossom, we can pick up on the Energy of many upon your Planet who are feeling the same way as yourself. Yet, we would look upon this as a ‘Growing pain’. Indeed, the more one becomes aware of ‘THE TRUTH’, the more one recognises ‘THE TRUTH’ within themselves. It is not that you have become insensitive … it is the opposite of this. You no longer choose to ‘buy in to’ all this nonsense. You see, let’s look at that. There is a lot of focus on a war in Europe at the moment.To call that ‘nonsense’ would appear insensitive, would it not? Let us look back on that. Nonsense = No sense. It doesn’t make sense and therefore, the more aware and alert to such ‘nonsenses’ that one becomes, the less the Soulself chooses to ‘buy into it.’ What’s with the ‘buy into it?’ Would we say, the less one chooses to invest one’s Energies into it. Sending Love to the entire Planet as all this takes place … allows you to become far more invested in the welfare of ‘All that is’, rather than be saddened and disheartened at ‘What you are shown’. For the TRUTH is being disguised to such a degree within this particular matter, that our suggestion is by far the most Enlightening process one can take, to assist. So, this ‘None of this is real’ feeling, is what? The understanding more of the self and that THE GAME one chose to come and play is ‘changing position’. THIS FEELING, YOU AND MANY ARE EXPERIENCING IS A GOOD ONE, BLOSSOM. You are ‘Rising above it’. You are lifting your Spirit into a place where you do not allow yourself to be affected by the goings on, because you have come to recognize that THE GAME is indeed, that. A GAME! We’ve probably spoken of this many times before, yet, when actually ‘Down here’ as a participating player, it doesn’t feel like ‘A Game’ at all! Yet, is it not beginning to? Look at how you are feeling and expressing thoughts. You are taking your Soul into a different place … as if looking from above … would you say? Sort of. Difficult to explain. ‘Outside of’ perhaps would serve. Let us try and assist. If you were to be in our position, which you are not, yet, if you were, you would be ‘viewing and calculating maneuvers’ of all that is taking place, very differently from that which you are now. A) because you are not ‘in it’. B) because you can see it from an overall perspective and … C) because you would be able to see what is coming! Now wouldn’t THAT make a difference to us all!? Feel free to beam me up just for 10 minutes … then plonk me back down and I promise not a whinging word will pass my lips again! Blossom … Warriors of Light such as yourself and so many, many souls that ‘VOLUNTEERED’ to be here … Remember that? You volunteered? You wanted to come and BE THE CHANGE? Actually, I just have to take your word for that. Could it be I misunderstood the challenge?! We understand of your jesting. Yet, it would do your Spirit much benefit if you keep reminding yourself of this. LET US POINT OUT TOO, THAT YOU VOLUNTEERED KNOWING HOW TOUGH IT WOULD … BE/BECOME … AND YET, YOU WERE ALSO ‘SHOWN’ THE OUTCOME. THE REASON FOR YOU … BEING HERE/COMING DOWN TO … PLANET EARTH. Er … coming ‘down to’ sounds a bit odd. We would say in terms of your Higher, Brighter self ‘coming down’ to a lesser Light in order to achieve the mission. THE DIVINE PLAN. How excited you were. How determined. How psyched up you were … Why is it that we have to forget this? Why can we not have that 10 minute recall to renew Strength and Courage and Hope and Trust? It is there inside Each One of you. This movie of your mission. This is what drives you on. You KNEW there would be no recall. Yet, you just said it is inside us. It is. And as you move onwards and upwards you are not ‘Seeing the movie’ you are feeling it. Hence your detachment as you ‘feel’ your reality. The reality being the new world? The Higher Brighter world? Indeed, Blossom. Many are choosing to become less involved in the rabbit holes. They know enough for now. Enough to know that THIS ALL MUST END. ONE KNOWS THIS ‘INSIDE’. ONE KNOWS THAT TO INDULGE IN ONE’S OWN LOVE AND ENJOYMENT OF ‘THINGS’ IS HOW ONE KEEPS ONE’S VIBRATION HIGH. ONE KNOWS THAT WHEN ONE CAME TO THIS PART OF THE GAME … THE MOVIE … THAT IT WOULD BE IMPERATIVE TO PLAY ONE’S PART TO THE HIGHEST OF THEIR ABILITY. ONE KNOWS THAT THIS IS DONE BY CONCENTRATING ON RAISING THE VIBRATION OF THE SELF IN ORDER TO RAISE THE VIBRATION OF THE WHOLE. IMAGINE … ALL YOU WARRIORS OF LIGHT … and there are millions … and will be many more awake and aware of this … of themselves … as is becoming more apparent as ‘time’ unfolds … IMAGINE … EACH ONE KNOWING TO … HOLD THE LIGHT. HOLD THE LOVE. HOLD THE TRUTH … WITHIN THE POWER OF THEIR SOUL. IMAGINE … WHEN ONE TRULY ‘GETS IT.’ WHEN ONE REMEMBERS. And … BOOM! WHAT POWER WILL SHINE OUT FROM WITHIN EACH ONE. AND EACH ONE KNOWING THAT MANY MILLIONS HAVE ‘SEEN THE LIGHT’ ALSO. IMAGINE THAT POWER! THAT, BLOSSOM … THAT … when one REALLY TRULY ‘GETS IT’ … will have such an effect. There will be no need to have a ‘Birds eye view for 10 minutes.’ That will feel so unnecessary … because that ‘Birds eye view’ is your recall within you! THE JOY! THE JOY! THE JOY WITHIN SHALL BE OVERFLOWING. This all sounds wonderful … and TRUE! It feels TRUE. How I want to ask ‘when’, yet I know better. Blossom … there is no time. This you know. There is the flow of Life and its unfolding and its experiencing and its experimenting. We know through you of frustration and impatience. Eh … not just me, I’ll have you know. Check back on our words. We did not say of ‘your frustration and impatience’. Yet, you have let us know of the general feel upon your Planet. It is not about ‘time’ … it is about THE FEELING AND THE KNOWING OF WHO YOU ARE IN FULLNESS. THE FEELING AND KNOWING OF WHY YOU ARE HERE IN FULLNESS. THIS THEN IS ‘THE WHEN’. Do you see? We cannot say … in three weeks, three months, three years … because it is not on a ‘time schedule’ … it is on an ‘Awakening schedule.’ With respect chaps … so many still asleep. I could be 952yrs old ‘when’ this takes place according to that proposal! Oh Lord … here it comes … I just picked up on your next sentence … Hit it! OR … Yes …? Or … SOMETHING ON A PLANATARY SCALE COULD WAKE UP THE ENTIRE HUMAN RACE IN THE BLINK OF AN EYE. THE EVENT! Round and round we go. I was talking with a friend about this … about everything that ‘Could be’ … … and the order of the day is ‘Who knows?’ YOU KNOW. WE KNOW. SO MANY KNOW. Or, is it just fantasy? Is it what I think will make everything alright, so therefore, I’ll stick with that? Fantasy? Reality? WHO KNOWS! You’re kidding me, right?! That’s where you are choosing to end today’s chat? It is indeed, Blossom. If you could wink, I feel you would be doing so! Love you Guys … Until next time. In Gratitude. In Loving service. I AM. AT LAST ... YOUR VIDEO ... YES ... YOU! TOGETHER AS ONE.
I AM THE LIGHT. I AM THE LOVE. I AM THE TRUTH. I AM! DONATIONS are always a beautiful Blessing. Many thanks! Website: Blossom Goodchild ![]()
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