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Well, hello there! It has been a while since communicating telepathically in this way, due to my trip away. Tell me, are you able to let any cats out the bag? What can we expect leading up to Christmas? The trouble is, I know we cannot use ‘time’ as a True guideline with you, as you have none … yet, a general perspective would be good. Thank you. Dearest Blossom … Welcome back into ‘our zone’. We imagine you have understood that within this break, your Vibration has risen, as indeed, have many. How so? Because it is inevitable. The more one becomes ‘In tune’ with their Truth and makes a point of living that way … the Vibration of that Energy within and around has to lift. The more one is Grateful for all they have and perceive … the more their Vibration lifts … and as one continues in that Vibration, the Frequency then adjusts to befit the tone of the Soul and therefore, more Gratitude ensues and then the Vibrational Frequency rises once again. And on and on it continues … IN /AS /THROUGH/ OF LOVE. Interesting, in that, something/someone triggered me the other day, and I found myself really annoyed and angry. This is a rarity for me and it felt so uncomfortable! I couldn’t shake it. When asking myself what it was TRULY all about, I realized it was my expectations of others. I felt disappointed. Then the penny dropped and I saw it from the other person’s perspective and felt so very proud of them for having the courage to speak their Truth and I told them so! These kinds of scenarios may seem so small, yet, they certainly show me how much more aware of ‘self’ I have become. And that self-awareness, in turn, lifts the Vibrational Frequency in which you function. So many, many times we ask you to consider who you have become compared to the you, you were once familiar with. You feel nothing is taking place on your Planet. You say nothing is happening. You say there is no change … LOOK INSIDE OF YOURSELVES. LOOK HOW ‘YOU’ HAVE CHANGED. The changes must come from you first and foremost … in order for you to be ‘on top of’ the changes that are to come and the way they will be presented to you. Changes on the outside, you mean? Yes. That is correct. You see Blossom … CHANGES TAKE PLACE WITHIN EVERY BREATH. Nothing can remain stagnant. Energy … which everything IS … can get stuck … yet, it still moves … it still Vibrates … it cannot not. The question is … HOW DO YOU CHOOSE TO MANIPULATE YOUR ENERGY? How are you choosing to make it work for you? One can moan and groan about the dire state of affairs throughout your Planet and indeed, this is how it ‘appears’ to be. Yet, it is YOU … by working with the ENERGY of self … by learning … by practicing how to be friends with it … YOU in doing so … are not just changing your individual environment … YOU ARE CHANGING EVERYTHING. This is why we continually continue to express thoughts of ‘Building on the self-esteem’, This is why we shall forever chat with you about remembering who you are. The importance of this is so important! For when you do … when you Truly understand that you are so much more than who you think yourself to be … all that needs to be removed from your Planet will leave sooner, rather than later. YOU ARE WISDOM. YOU CANNOT NOT BE. FOR YOU ARE THE ALL AND THE EVERYTHING. YES! YOU ALREADY KNOW IT ALL. YOU ARE PART OF … YOU DERIVE FROM … THE DIVINE. THERE IS NOTHING BEYOND THE DIVINE. Oh yes, The Divine can expand and expand and expand in/as/of itself. Yet, there is no Greater Energy … no Brighter Light than WHAT IS … DIVINE Things is, chaps … Many of us know that what you are saying is the Truth yet, it is the journey back ‘Home’ that takes so many twists and turns. Journey back home to where, Blossom? Home! And where is that? Unfortunately, the address doesn’t come up on google maps! For Home is not a place … on any map. HOME is … Within you! Yep. We understand that too. So, here I sit in my home … at home within myself … and yet, I cannot say I know all wisdom, all answers. Yes. You do. The thing is, Blossom and Each One … most of the questions that you want answering are of no consequence whatsoever, for they make no difference to who you are and where you as a Soul Light are heading. Many want to know where this Planet is heading. And we have told you. Into a Brighter day. A Brighter Light. A World where Souls have come to such an awakening within themselves that there cannot be anything other than LOVE presented from the inside out. THIS IS WHERE YOU ARE HEADING. THIS IS YOUR JOURNEY HOME. FOR THE MORE YOU UNDERSTAND YOURSELF … THE MORE YOU UNDERSTAND LOVE … FOR THAT IS ALL THAT YOU ARE. Therefore, the closer to feeling Home you become. It is in the KNOWING OF LOVE that is YOU … that enables you to accept that HOME is wherever YOU reside. HOME IS WHATEVER VIBRATION YOU CHOOSE TO BE IN. Yet, there are feelings in a meditation for example, or, when one is in a particular ‘space’ and they would say ‘they feel so at home’. It isn’t yet that easy, to remain in that vibe all the time, when there is so much pulling us out of it … that we have no control of. We wholeheartedly agree. Yet, is this not where we are heading with this conversation? YOU ARE BECOMING ‘MORE’ OF WHO YOU ARE … THE MORE YOU DECIDE TO DO SO! When you were angry the other day, Blossom, you could have chosen to wallow in it for far longer than you did. I could have, yes. Yet, why would I? It didn’t even feel like me! And that is because your Vibration did not belong in the Frequency you had dropped to. However, by inquiring as to the Truth of your feelings, you not only received a reply for yourself, you also raised the Vibration of the other person involved. Who would have thought! Because you CHOSE not to blame. You chose to come from Love, Acceptance and Understanding. When one reacts to another’s reaction in an ‘off’ way … a way that is no longer familiar to the Higher Newer Self … the feeling is merely showing you who you are not! Therefore, within that ‘not you’ feeling … you are NOW able to recognise this in a completely different way. Your focus is on changing the Vibration BACK to the NOW familiar one which is coming from a Higher perspective. Do you see how LOVING THE SELF … How SERVING THE SELF … SERVES THE WHOLE? This is a message that we desire you to ‘Get’! LOVE YOURSELF DEAREST SOULS. LOOK AFTER YOURSELF. TREASURE YOURSELF. GIFT YOURSELF. ADORN YOURSELF WITH GOODY’S. Hello Goody! FILL YOURSELF TO THE BRIM WITH THAT WHICH YOU LOVE DOING. SPEND TIME IN THE COMPANY OF THOSE WHO BRING YOU JOY AND LAUGHTER. It is up to you to take charge of these matters. No one is to wave a magic wand and transform you instantly. YOU KNEW! YOU KNEW! YOU KNEW WHEN YOU ‘GOT PICKED’ that how your World is … is how it would be. YOU KNEW, also … that within you are all tools required to make the changes necessary. May we say, once again … CHANGES WITHIN … CHANGE THE WITHOUT! And again … CHANGES WITHIN … CHANGE THE WITHOUT! IT IS LAW. Let go, Dearest Souls. Let go of the goings on. Do not fall victim to that which is presented to make you angry, upset and bemused. IT IS DESIGNED TO DO SO. YOU KNOW BETTER THAN THAT. Yes. Indeed. We do. Yet, it would be so encouraging for ‘Some Truth’ to be revealed. It is. Yes. Yet, it is mixed with much untruth. That which is actually Truth … is only reaching the people who already ‘kind of’ Know such Truths … when it needs to ‘hit home’ to the one’s who wear blindfolds and earmuffs! Those who wear blindfolds and earmuffs are travelling at their own speed. It is not your business to intrude on their pace. Yet, if they took them off, wouldn’t that make things happen faster? Many are so very, very tired of it all. Yes … and the way to make that happen, Blossom … is? By Being an example of our True Light. There is no other way! For that example … the one where you simply Enjoy yourself … travels throughout the ethers … rippling out far and wide … sending that Joy and Love to the blinkered one’s. That in itself, as it get’s stronger within YOU … allows the masks that were once so tightly tied around others … to slip away. SO SIMPLE … SO SIMPLE that one finds it hard to believe. We ask you not to believe, Dearest Ones … we ask you to KNOW … THAT THIS IS SO. Thanks, oh Effulgent Ones! How we appreciate you reminding us of that which we already KNOW. I AM THE LIGHT. I AM THE LOVE. I AM THE TRUTH. I AM. In Gratitude. In Loving service. I AM. AT LAST ... YOUR VIDEO ... YES ... YOU! TOGETHER AS ONE.
I AM THE LIGHT. I AM THE LOVE. I AM THE TRUTH. I AM! DONATIONS are always a beautiful Blessing. Many thanks! Website: Blossom Goodchild and Direct.me/whitecloud ![]()
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