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Hello, my friends! The last time I chatted to you in this way seems an eternity ago, as does the cruise I had the pleasure of experiencing only last week! Time is a funny thing! On to business! Many are intrigued to know if you have any words to offer regarding the new Monolith that appeared ‘out of nowhere’ in Wales last week. Care to comment? Welcome back from your travels, Blossom. You were unsure of its deeper purpose. Yet, it does not always need to be apparent ‘at the time’ because if it was made known, one’s thoughts and actions in trying to ‘make more of it’ would defeat the objective. Best, in many situations of this kind to simply ‘allow and let be’ in the KNOWING that you did what needed to be done. Thank you for that. I accept that and it settles well. The new ‘addition’ to the already founded structures, known to you as Monoliths, is indeed, from ‘out of nowhere’. It is to start off yet another ‘series’ of such ‘matter’, that are now ‘in time’ ready to be suitably positioned. There shall be some ‘time lapses’ intermittently spaced, in order for settlement and intrigue. There are five more to ‘arrive’ in quite a short period of your time. Mm. That is quite precise. For now, that is the number we are prepared to offer, although, as your days progress, the build up of such ‘monuments’ shall increase, as they are an essential part of the Divine Plan. It seems, as with the other ‘authentic’ structures, that there is no trace of evidence as to how they got there. Are you able to offer knowledge on this? These structures were ‘compiled’ ‘off world’, in a particular ship that has a vast compartment that was developed specifically for the intention to create them. Their intelligence assisted in their own making. Hold on. Are you saying they helped to make themselves? Yes. That is exactly what we are saying. You see, Blossom … the ‘off world’ scientists designated to design such structures of intelligence, were fully aware that the ‘inner workings’ of these Monoliths would be able to continue certain placements of that which the scientists created, and then co-create them further … of their own accord. So, sort of like a Highly intelligent version of what we know as A.I.? Sort of. Here again, Blossom, we have trouble explaining to you that which is beyond the understandings of the Human understanding. I know! I can feel that. Let’s persevere if we can. As we have expressed before … the role of such structures stands in High status for that which is to come. That which is planned to take place ‘down the track’ could not be accomplished Energetically, if it were not for these Monoliths to be in their exact positioning, at the exact alignment of ‘ALL IN THE UNIVERSE.’ What? ALL IN THE UNIVERSE?? Indeed, Blossom … for this DIVINE PLAN involves just that. THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE TO BE IN A POSITION … IN A SPACE OF ITSELF … FOR ALL TO GO ACCORDING TO PLAN. I want to say ‘Go where’? Into the Higher Dimensional stage of Earth’s journey. It is destined. THIS IS WHY WE REITERATE TIME AND TIME AGAIN, TO LET GO OF FEAR AND TO KNOW THAT THE LIGHT HAS WON. IT ALWAYS HAS. IT ALWAYS WILL. IT CANNOT LOSE … FOR IT IS LIGHT-LOVE … AND THERE IS NOTHING THAT EXISTS THAT IS NOT … FROM/OF … IT. Back to the Universe being in alignment. So, do you mean the stars and planets etc. … have/are … to be in a certain position, for when this must take place? We do. NOTHING … CAN INTERFERE WITH THIS! Yet, I presume it must remain a secret as to when this takes place? You presume correctly. If we were to say ‘when’ this will occur, that would cause interference and nothing is to interfere. You once did a wonderful channeling telling us all about the Monoliths and Crystals and what would happen at their time of activation.* It was so exciting … and to think that all the astrological plans have to be in place at the time of activation … I find a thrilling concept. It is indeed, extremely exciting for … ALL THAT IS. For … ALL THAT IS … plays its part in this transformation. Are you able to give us a clue regarding the after effects of this ‘event’? CHANGE. Down to the change in your very soil! Why did you pick ‘soil’, out of all things you could have said? Because you express soil to be ‘Earth’ do you not? Yes. SO, THE ACTIVATION, WHEN IT TAKES PLACE, WILL CHANGE THE ENERGY OF ALL THAT IS. You are aware that Energy is made up of atoms, molecules, etc., in order for ‘something’ to ‘Be’. THE ACTIVATION … CONNECTING MONOLITHS, CRYSTALS, STARS, PLANETS, GRIDS AND MUCH MORE, WILL BE SO POWERFUL … THAT IT WILL ‘SHIFT’ THE ENERGY OF THAT WHICH ENERGY KNOWS ITSELF TO BE … INTO A HIGHER DIMENSIONAL FORM OF ITSELF. Is this Higher Energy new? In that, does it already exist elsewhere on other, more evolved planets? Yes, it is new. In/as/of … itself. Indeed, many Planets and existing life are of a much Higher Vibrational level than that of your Earth plane at this present time. Yet … this ‘part of the plan’ that we are speaking of is to create a new Higher Energy … of/for itself … and once created and activated … it can then continue to create and activate … surging this new Energy into a Higher position all of its own. Thank you so much for all that information. Marvelous. Could we move on now to talk about the eclipse that is happening on the 8th April? There is much speculation about it. Me? I have a feeling that by April 10th, once again, everyone will be wondering what all the fuss was about as we always do! Blossom Goodchild … Oh, how it freaks me, yet, amuses, when you say my full name. It is to do with the Energetics within your name, that makes it appropriate for us to use it at times. As a side note, Goody and I had to get married in order to be accepted into Australia. We both had been married before and neither of us wanted to enter into ‘wedlock’ again … yet, we had to. So, we did. I KNOW now, this had to be, so I could end up with such a fab name! Not knowing of the energetics of it, at the time. EVERY SINGLE TIME someone asks my name I get a response of ‘What a lovely name’, or words to that effect! EVERY SINGLE TIME! You see, Blossom … At the time of being made to wed, you were both very dismayed. Yet, does this in itself, not show that there is reason in all things, even though one may never discover what that reasoning is? So, Blossom Goodchild … this coming eclipse … Of which I must butt in here to say, I really know little about it, other than ‘speculation’ that schools are going to close down and the usual fear mongering of getting extra food in etc. … Ridiculous speculations are in circulation. This eclipse that is to come, is known to be ‘special’. We consider all eclipses to be special, as they mark moments in time in your world. Eclipses are markers. Points in a diary, would we say. Points to take note of as they ‘make a difference’ in Planetary shifts and have effects on the stability of the movement of all that travels through your spacial existence. Again, difficult to express in your language of words. I know. I can feel and visualise what you are saying yet, words fail. I am hoping many can get ‘telepathically’ from you what you are saying. Yes. Many will … especially those who are involved in ‘spreading knowledge’ of the Planets and Stars. They will find a way to express it into ‘your talk’. My brain does not compute with astrology … no matter how hard I try. Yet, there is a lady named Pam Gregory*, who I have listened to in the past and if anyone can ‘translate’ for you, I reckon she can! She can … and she does … and will continue to do so. This lady is Highly connected with such matters and chose this position this time around, to assist many along this particular pathway, that so many find so intriguing. She, as she knows within her Being, has been known famously in other life times on such matters … accumulating Knowledge with each life time … to benefit The Whole. We take this opportunity to ‘Honour’ ALL that she offers for the betterment of mankind. How lovely. So … is it a biggie, this eclipse? Is it going to blow our blouses up? It is to be ‘spectacular’. Yet, in our honest opinion, it is not going to ‘Set your Planet on fire’. Has it been said it will? We believe so. I hadn’t heard that one! You would be surprised what has been concocted in order to both thrill and scare. Probably not. Not anymore. We have all become so used to the lies and propaganda. Many of us no longer are phased by it all. Just over it and wanting to move on. And moving on you are … always. So, we conclude. Yes, this eclipse will be a sight in the darkness of it … and for those who ‘tune in’ to it, there will be a welcome shift in Energy. Yet, we wouldn’t suggest an emergency trip to stock up on food is necessary. Good. I think too many of us have been there, done that …, and then it all went past its sell by date! Before we take our leave this day … we would care to mention that many are feeling and experiencing the ‘Knowing’ of something building into something … You have a game called ‘Jenga’ … we are showing you of how one must, so very carefully, take a piece from somewhere within the already compiled structure, and place it on the top … so as to keep the tower rising higher … yet, one false move … and the whole thing collapses! And you are going to leave us to work that out for ourselves, aren’t you? So many scenarios can be concocted from that! Therein lies the fun. Guys … this has been such a pleasure to be back with you today. Good info offered, for which we are all so very Grateful for the uplift. Blossom Goodchild … if we had faces, they would be smiling. Yet, know our Energy is expressing so much Love to Each and Everyone. Thank you so much. In Gratitude. In Loving Service. I AM. * Pam Gregory https://www.thenextstep.uk.com/ * To research Monoliths etc Navigating Blossom’s Website. • How To Find Topics From Blossom’s Federation of Light AT LAST ... YOUR VIDEO ... YES ... YOU! TOGETHER AS ONE.
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