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With loving greeting from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Energy surges that are propelling Earth along her ascension pathway are raising vibrations throughout your world. This will continue until she reaches her destination in high fifth density, where Gaia, the soul that embodied as the planet, remained during the long ages that amassing negativity spiraled her body downward into deep third density. Only readers of information from messengers of the light know Earth is steadily ascending into higher astral planes, but two effects of rising vibratory levels, although not attributed to such, are clearly evident. One is the sense that time is passing faster and faster. Linear time exists on Earth because all third density civilizations that have inhabited the planet needed a chronological means in which to function in a coherent fashion. However, that concept of “time” actually is energy fields in the timeless continuum, where what you consider past, present and future are a series of simultaneous happenings. In one way we could say Earth is approaching the continuum, but it’s more accurate to say that her population is interpreting the sensation of successively lighter energy as time seeming to pass more quickly than previously. And, going by your clocks and calendars, it is—what was a week only 20 years ago now is “condensed” into two days. Because of divine grace, let us say, laws of physics that govern this universe are regulating the tides and the rising and setting of the sun and moon so all are occurring as you expect even though linear time is crunching. The other effect of ever-rising vibrations is the continuing magnification of characteristics and behavior, both positive and negative. The latter accounts for the notable increase in homicides, random shootings, massacres, acts based in bigotry, and other violent and criminal acts that have been happening around the world. Mainstream media report those distressing events but rarely mention high vibrations’ positive effects—the increasing abundance of kindness, helpfulness, respectful communication and cooperative efforts—qualities and actions that will keep expanding within the society in consonance with heightening vibrations. The energy of dark intentions and activities emits low vibrations, and those cannot coexist with high; whatever is based in darkness will keep declining until it has no more energy, thus comes to an end. Also, you are feeling a more intimate effect of “high vibes”—their impact on body, mind and spirit. For newcomers to our messages and as reminders to long-time readers, I asked my mother to cite some of the numerous messages wherein we have spoken about this. [November 20, 2017 and January 14, 2019 detail symptoms and suggestions to relieve them. July 4, 2013 includes helpful dietary guidelines and memory “loss.”] Thank you, Mother. Now then, another glaring omission in mainstream media is the growing backlash against everything related to the “pandemic.” Instead, they feature “experts” who emphasize that vaccinating people worldwide is the only way to combat covid because this is science. No, that is not science, it is against science! Your bodies are designed with strong immune systems and self-healing mechanisms—introducing foreign elements that are incompatible with those capabilities jeopardizes their functioning and leads to health issues and death. Let us reply here to questions as to why information from medical specialists is contradictory: Those on TV say if you must go out, wear masks and socially distance, get tested for covid and even if results are negative, get vaccinated. The specialists who speak in Internet videos explain why those requirements are damaging to health. The Illuminati/Deep State/cabal—those and other designations refer to the same malevolent secret society—control mainstream media and choose the “experts” who speak or are cited in press reports. They control World Health Organization and multinational Big Pharma; in the United States, they control all agencies under the medical establishment’s umbrella, including Centers for Disease Control, National Institutes of Health and Food and Drug Administration. Spokespersons for those agencies and others may be Illuminati themselves. If not, they still may be profiting from investments in companies that are making fortunes from all covid-related products and equipment. They may be supporting the massive deception about the “pandemic” because they have been bribed, blackmailed or given death threats. They may fear being professionally blackballed, losing medical accreditation or even their lives, all of which the Illuminati have done to practitioners who dared use effective therapies the dark ones have banned precisely because they are effective, inexpensive and non-injurious to bodies. The Illuminati also design curricula used by medical and nursing schools, and many graduates do what they were taught—operate, use chemo and radiation, prescribe pharmaceuticals. They believe what they were taught: Natural remedies are worthless because there is no scientific evidence to support claims of their efficacy and vaccines are life-saving. They are applying to covid what they learned—adhering to medical science guidelines and being vaccinated are imperative to public health. Even without any awareness of Illuminati tentacles around the entire healthcare industry, people who once believed mainstream media reports now are questioning: Why are simple remedies prohibited even though some doctors have successfully used them to treat covid patients? Why are we forced to wear masks when some specialists say they prevent normal respiratory functions, thus lowering immunity and increasing susceptibility to a variety of illnesses; and they prevent oxygen from reaching the brain, thereby damaging brain cells especially in young children whose brain power develops quickly? Why would hospital staffs be told to list deaths as covid even when they’re due to other causes? If vaccines are safe, why are medical personnel in many countries warning about their dangerous effects? The Illuminati may remove from the Internet truthful information about the “pandemic” as soon as they discover it, but they cannot stop individuals who saw those films and articles from spreading that information. People also are seeing that mandated restrictions have led to an increase in depression, suicides, drinking, domestic violence and other crimes; businesses have gone under, families are financially desperate and school closures are psychologically harming students. Logically, they are asking: How can that good for any of us? As refusal to be vaccinated is growing, Illuminati are pressuring leaders from community to national levels to urge Get vaccinated! Protect yourselves and your loved ones! In some nations, life has been made very difficult for individuals who don’t comply, and most international travelers must show proof of vaccination as permission to leave their country or enter another. Not only is tolerance of those conditions growing thin, but people are tired of living in fear about “catching covid.” In one country after another, crowds are gathering without wearing masks, schools are reopening and so are small businesses that managed to survive. We understand your concerns about vaccines—they are justified!—and while we cannot dispel them, let us ease them. It is so that gene-altering tissue and programmed nanochips that interact with 5G technology are in the solutions for the purpose of producing a race of automatons that can be remotely controlled. By divine authority, scientists in extraterrestrial special forces who reduced the potency of coronavirus-19 and prevented what the Illuminati intended, the death of billions, also erased the programming and reduced to the extent possible the viability of the tissue in the solutions. Still, many people with weakened immunity have died or experienced serious adverse effects from what is called “vaccine,” but actually is the Illuminati’s gene-altering experiment. Then there is the issue of airborne particles from vaccinated individuals affecting those who haven’t been. There is truth to this, but not to the dire extent you may think. Due to the particles’ reduced viability, their life span in the air is extremely brief. And, in instances where persons have been affected, the particles exacerbated diagnosed or undiagnosed issues such as hormonal or chemical imbalance, short-circuiting electrical systems, hypo-metabolism, circulatory difficulties, nutritional deficiencies or a combination of existing conditions that caused minor or major adverse reactions. We advise drinking as much water as you can. Keeping bodies well hydrated aids in removing toxic materials, and, by helping energy systems flow smoothly, precludes blockages wherein those thrive. And always, sunlight greatly benefits body, mind and spirit. Also we have been asked if the claim by some “experts” is true: Covid is here to stay because the virus will keep mutating into variants. “Keep mutating” is but another scare tactic and covid is not there to stay! Like everything else in existence in this universe, that illness, which is a kind of flu, is energy, and its survival depends upon energy continuously put into it. The Illuminati need people’s fear of catching covid to provide the energy their concocted “pandemic” requires, and fear is abating. They need people’s thoughts and feelings about the illness to sustain its energy, but the interests of the populace have turned to regaining a semblance of normalcy. They need people to have high stress levels—stress lowers immunity, making bodies more vulnerable to health disorders—but as people are taking back their stolen free will, their stress levels are dropping. Furthermore, because of the dark intention of manipulating a virus to become a contagious disease, covid’s energy is in the lowest vibratory range. As vibrations keep rising on the planet, they will overpower everything with low vibrations because, as aforementioned, the two extremes cannot coexist. To all who feel you cannot do anything to help end a global situation as pervasive as covid, we say, “Indeed you can!” In previous messages we urged you not to give your energy to anything related to the “pandemic,” and we do so again. So why have we just given that a great deal of our energy? Intention has its own energy streamers with benevolent or malevolent attachments. Not only is our intention—offering truth and upliftment—benevolent, it is given with unconditional love for you, our dear sisters and brothers. We remind you of other things we have spoken about. Simply by BEing the pure love-light energy of Creator Source, you are radiating into the world the most powerful force in the cosmos. Your every thought and feeling is prayer, and prayers are powerful, so think and feel positive and optimistic about what is ahead. Words, spoken and written, have power—be mindful to choose your words wisely. Smiles and laughter, generosity, gratitude, compassion, empathy and every small act of thoughtfulness send vibrations soaring, and visualization also is powerful. See crowds of people dancing in joyful celebrations and children happily playing with animals. Visualize Earth immersed in brilliant golden-white light. Image the planet with pristine waters, forests instead of scarified lands, crops growing in land now deserts, fields of flowers as far as the eye can see, air free of pollution. Everything mentioned above is love in action, and LOVE is the key to a peaceful world where the peoples live in harmony with each other and with Nature. Dear ones, love begins with self—please love yourselves the way we love you! All light beings in this universe honor you for steadfastly helping Earth’s civilization manifest the kind of world they want for themselves and all generations to come. With unconditional love we are supporting you every step of your journey. _________________________ LOVE and PEACE Suzanne Ward Please send all questions and comments to suzy@matthewbooks.com. All messages from December 2003 to date are archived on www.matthewbooks.com. Please share them. Matthew Books YouTube channel. ![]()
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