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![]() Naturally we need to be aware of what Michael is doing, and have been following the events associated with the trip to Neptune. What we must however stress is that we have our own responsibilities, and would never interfere with the mission of another, in the same manner that we would not interfere with experiences that are your own creation. Look at it this way Dear Ones, it is no one else's place to deny you the experiences you need to advance your evolution. On this subject, please remember that the Galactic Federation has quite clearly informed you that in the course of time, many "tourist" trips aboard our craft will be arranged. So there is no need to rush yourselves to be part of the first trips of this nature, there will be plenty of time to enjoy them once we are openly allowed to contact you. Some of our Motherships are like enormous cities, and will have no difficulty in dealing with the large numbers of you that would jump to the opportunity to visit one. It will all be part of our intention to bring us closer together, and dispel any fears about us that may still remain. It allows us to give you a look at what advanced technologies will do for you in the very near future. After all, we are your future selves, and you will need to quickly bridge the gap brought about by the deliberate suppression of technologies that would have long ago launched you into the 21st. Century. Much is happening on Earth right now, and even you will realise that it cannot be very long before you see the outcome of the work put in to bring about the desired changes. Threats of war still rumble on, but we tell you once again it will not be allowed although some sabre rattling will go on. So please do not succumb to these situations and allow fear to occupy you, think peace and place your energy there where it will do something positive. The financial situation continues to occupy a lot of our allies time, but then it is a complex problem to get many countries as you would say, "singing from the same hymn sheet". However, success will come and it will signal the start of a completely new approach to banking and the whole nature of financial transactions. Debt is to be eliminated and never again shall you be burdened with it unnecessarily. There is never a dull moment living on Earth, and in some ways that is how it is meant to be and certainly not a holiday isle, as otherwise your progress would rarely go forward. The Earth is a great place to experience all manner of challenges, and the quickest way to forge ahead and climb up that spiritual ladder. Yet the Earth is a paradise of which there are no equals in your Universe, and it was seeded over millions of years. It was truly a Garden of Eden, but degenerated as the vibrations become lower and Man despoiled it with his greed and lack of caring. Now you are waking up to recognise the jewel that your Earth is and trying your best to restore it, and prevent further damage and destruction. Indeed, it is your responsibility to return it to its pristine condition as part of the preparations for Ascension. In such unsettling times such as you in now, you need to keep a cool head and never forget the reason you have come to Earth at this time. It was to awaken to your true self as a Being of Light, and lift the level of your consciousness so that you were ready to ascend as soon as the opportunity arose. You have a whole ream of experiences still to come, but in the end Ascension is your goal and that is really all that matters. This opportunity where there is a mass ascension does not come round very often, and it is your release from duality and the need to re-incarnate regularly. With this in mind, we are sure that you do not need much encouragement to put the effort in to step off the ladder of re-birth. You cannot fully know what goes on behind the scenes, but there is far more activity than there appears to be. We monitor the world news and what is discussed openly or in private, and as a result we have a very good picture of how events are turning out. That gives us the edge and able to help our allies, and it is allowed to balance the advanced equipment used by the dark Ones to spy upon those of the Light. We have computers with a level of consciousness that is so advanced, that you can have quite intelligent conversations with them. You have experience of automation, but we have taken it to a degree that would astound you, and you will enjoy your visits to our ships trying to work out how they operate. For some of you it will seem familiar, as you visit us during your sleep state but have a closed memory of it when you return to your body. Come out of your cocoons that are hiding your true self, the Light Being that you are and always will be. This is the time to claim your divine rights and sovereignty, and you are being given every help to do so. You are Beings of untold power and providing you can accept the responsibility to use it wisely, you will ascend and become the creator that you were previously before the fall. Even now you still create but it takes longer to manifest, and you may not realise what you have done. Focus long enough upon what you desire and in time there will be a response. It is how without realising it, you draw into your life the experiences that you have brought upon yourself. Like attracts like, and that is how you gather around you your friends and enemies for that matter. The Law of Attraction makes no decision on how it works, so be careful what you focus on and where you place your energy. Most of your experiences start out life as thoughts, that when you give sufficient energy to them they become part of your reality. I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and would be delighted to fulfil your wishes but all in good time, and as always timing is so important. We are used to being adaptable and adjusting to the latest situation on Earth. In that way we are totally successful in our objectives when we can finally go ahead. Be assured that our actions are accompanied by great love for you all. Thank you SaLuSa. Mike Quinsey. Website: Tree of the Golden Light
![]() ![]() SaLuSa is also channeled by Laura Tyco. Translations of her channelings are published on our sister site Despertando.Me.
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