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![]() Dear Ones you have such a great potential yet to be revealed, and with careful planning you will gradually find your consciousness expanding. It is all part of your evolutionary plan and is preparing you for full consciousness. However, it is in the future and at the appropriate time you will be helped to achieve such an upliftment. Already there is an awareness of your consciousness growing, and you can take credit for such an advancement as it is you who has applied yourself to your tasks. At the moment there are souls on Earth who are at all different levels of consciousness, and it causes much friction between the different groups. You should not allow yourselves to be distracted by what is going on around you, and concentrate on your own advancement. The days of sacrificing your own development to help others are no longer necessary, as all souls now know where they are going and what is expected of them. The time has arrived when each soul must apply itself to its life plan, doing its best to achieve its goal. Be assured those who lack awareness of what it is, will be assisted to make as much progress as possible. The Human Race has evolved so rapidly it is hard to believe the advancements that have been made. It seems that the harder the task ahead, the greater is the effort put into achieving success. As we have often pointed out, no soul is asked to do more than they are considered capable of, which is why some who already know their limitations have accepted that Ascension is beyond them in this cycle. All experience does however make a good platform for those aspiring to complete this cycle, by making great strides in their evolution. How other souls progress is their own choice although we do encourage them to take every opportunity to raise their vibrations. You may have noticed that we draw much closer to you, and that is because the time to meet us is drawing nearer. Our craft are now seen more often in your skies, and we have shown for a long time now that we can be present without little fear being experienced by your people. We have never endangered you, although some of your pilots have experienced apprehension when faced by our craft. Be assured we are totally in control of our craft, and with our technology can deal with any situation that may arise that could pose a threat to your safety or indeed ours. We have often helped you out when dangers have threatened you, in such a way that you are rarely aware of our intervention. Sometimes what you call miracles are attributable to our presence but we have first to be sure that we are not interfering with your karma. There are so many different species living on or in your Earth. The Inner Earth Dwellers have been with you for eons of time, but will meet you in the near future. They are more evolved than you are and have much to offer you. Others also have bases within the Earth and some are placed on the seabed out of your reach. Perhaps the most surprising revelations will be when Humans acknowledge their Space Families, because many souls have that have incarnated on Earth come from other planets. It is all in the interests of the future of the Human Race. Individuals can ascend at any given time, but the whole Human Race only gets such an opportunity at the end of a Solar Cycle that you are now experiencing. So you will understand that you have entered a very important period, which your future depends on. Many souls are working with you to ensure you achieve your goal, and we are confident that you will succeed. When you look back, you will marvel at your resilience and intent to move into the higher levels. Be certain and know that your destiny does not lie with the Earth that you are now familiar with. Those of you who prove to be ready will move out of the lower dimension, and leave the old Earth behind. It is time for a new start and to wipe the slate clean, as you are not doomed to stay in the present dimension. You will find it hard to resist the new vibrations coming in, and indeed why should you as your destiny is to return fully to the Light. If you did but know it, you have experienced so many situations that have thoroughly tested you, and finally you come through it as a Being of Light. The physical realms are not your home but have served you well for your experience. Fear is your biggest obstacle to evolution, as in such a state your progress is halted and you are vulnerable to the lower vibrations. When confronted with conditions that can bring it out, treat those responsible with love an understanding. Entities of the lower vibrations feed off them and that is not what you want them to do. Do not empower them but rather isolate them and take away their power. Is it not interesting to think that in effect by taking no action, you follow the best path available to you. Confrontation and revenge are the actions of those who do not understand karma, and are unaware that every soul is responsible for them. You cannot lie your way out of responsibility for your actions or words. When you pass over and you review your life, you will find that only the truth can remain and it is no good trying to fool anyone. It is not so frightening as you might imagine as those Higher Beings who handle such matters, are all love and not there to admonish or punish you. Life on Earth is usually all ups and downs, so please try to understand what lessons are being presented to you. If you do not learn from them, they will keep coming back until you do. That is what life is all about so accept your lot because you will have agreed a life plan. Your task is to learn the lessons presented to you so that you do not have to do them again. That way you will evolve much quicker and lift yourself out of the lower vibrations. I am SaLuSa from Sirius, to help you and ensure that you put your energies into those things that are most beneficial to you. You will never regret it as so much is at stake, and you will progress so much faster. Try to remove those things that you recognise as standing in the way of your progress. I leave you with much Love and Light, and thank you for your desire to move further into the Light. Thank you SaLuSa.Mike Quinsey Website: Tree of the Golden Light include("../ads.php") ?>
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