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![]() The anger and discontent at the problems of the world is understandable, as you have been led into the planned chaos and failure scripted by the Illuminati. For many years they have eased you into the conditions, which have brought about the demise of your civilization for their plan to rule the world. In doing so they have created the need for change, and thought to use the opportunity to introduce a world government. It would of course have been formed with their hand picked representatives, and given them total control and your enslavement. However, the opportunity for change has also opened the door to our own agenda for your release from them. As matters have grown out of their control, so we have prepared ourselves for the re-instatement of your freedom and sovereign rights. When the Illuminati have tried to escalate your problems and bring martial law into being, we together with our allies have stepped in and prevented it. We have stemmed the tide of their advancement, whilst at the same time your consciousness levels have increased. This has effectively focused your sights on what was hidden from you, and you are able to see through the subterfuge that has been taking place. Not only that, you have realized what you have been denied and learnt about us and our divine plan for Ascension. The future is no longer a mystery thanks to the many channels of truth that exist on Earth. However, there are varying degrees of clarity and you need to be extra careful when deciding which ones are reliable. It is often a case of individual channels having a subconscious desire for a certain ending to the cycle, and attracting entities that resonate with that vibration. By and large your attention will be taken by those whose messages concentrate on love and Light. Those who talk of punishment and the wrath of God, are working from a different level that is often the result of orthodox teachings. As in all matters that affect you personally, we will always recommend that you follow your own intuition. It will lead you to what is right for you at this time. Sometimes you have lessons to learn, which will occasionally take you on a detour and back again to the correct path. Do not concern yourself if you realize that you have followed teachings that are laced with misleading information. The important aspect is that you rise above them and advance in your evolution. In truth there is no hurry except you are desirous of ascending. However, you will need to put into practice your highest version of what it is necessary to follow when you are working towards your Christ Consciousness. It can be summed up by “doing for others what you would have done for yourself” and seeing that all souls are One. Human Beings are surrounded by people that are in judgement of each other, and it is even promoted as entertainment in your media programs. It is not the way of those who are enlightened, although we do not mean that you should stop your reasoning or have opinions. It is the deliberate targeting of people with a view to pulling them down that is negative and damaging. It is often in the form of bullying that plays upon that which is different to what is considered normal. It can become racial, and creates the very separation that the dark Ones play upon to create disharmony. As we often tell you, each of you are a godspark and One with each other. Therefore when experiences are chosen for each lifetime, they will invariably move you from one race to another. At this particular time as the end of the cycle approaches, you may be sure that you have lived in every major country of the world. You would therefore almost certainly have followed the customs and religion associated with them. It is the way in which your understanding grows and your awakening occurs. We members of the Galactic Federation may have been on Earth, or another planet where a different form of evolution exists. However, regardless of where it takes place, it ultimately means progressing to the higher dimensions. All souls are of the Light, and in the highest dimensions take the form of Light Beings. I am SaLuSa and come from Sirius, and you are probably aware that our Federation consists of all different civilizations that have ascended. In the past you will have read of the Venusians, Arcturians, Pleiadians and Andromedans who serve with us, are mostly associated with past contact with Earth. There are of course others, but they are not necessarily connected with us. All of our members have for example long given up the barbaric practice of war. We represent love and Light and maintain peace in the Universe, and as in your case help those who are ready to ascend and join us. Bear in mind that your freewill has operated all through your experiences. Even now there is no forcing of Ascension upon any soul, but because of the importance of these times it will be placed before you. It is then your decision as to whether you accept it, and if you do every help will be given to ensure you succeed. We cannot sufficiently emphasize what a unique opportunity you have to leave the cycle of rebirth, and rise up to the higher levels of beauty and sheer happiness. If you could but visit them as some souls have, the feeling of utter contentment and peace would overawe you. Once you have known the joy of such a level, it is with reluctance that you return to Earth. Of course you can experience happiness on Earth, but it is usually short lived before your life is disrupted. Relationships are often the root of your unhappiness, but that is part of your learning to overcome such obstacles. In this respect be aware that you are experiencing exactly what you planned, and it is just as well to try and understand the lesson that it is meant to bring to you. Once learnt, you will not normally be expected to pass that way again. Matters on Earth are coming to a head, and before much longer something must happen to provide us with the opportunity to come out into the open. There may be signs of where it is all leading before the year-end, but in any event we are totally ready to take off. It has been so for quite a long time and we upgrade our program according to what is happening on Earth. There are stirrings of what is required to enable us to proceed, and some of you have picked it up. We can say that we are in charge of earthly matters inasmuch that as far as we are allowed, we are in control and will soon be with you. Thank you SaLuSa. Mike Quinsey. Website: Tree of the Golden Light ![]() ![]() please let us know and we'll add you to our mailing list. |
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