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The changes are progressing well and as they take hold so the power of the dark Forces is diminishing, so much so that they are becoming confused and unable to control events as before. In any event they are only allowed a certain degree of freedom to carry on with their plan for world control. They will not succeed as the end times have already been written and victory for the Light is inevitable and assured. The period that you are now in is full of potential changes, all leading to the uplifting of Humanity and their place in the New Age. The scene has been set and it is only a matter of time before those who are responsible for giving out the news, will feel compelled to commence giving you truthful reports. The truth cannot be held back much longer and as those who stand in the way are removed, the days of truthful reporting loom large. There can be few of you that live your life bringing the Light down to Earth, that has not heard of David Wilcock. He is a Master who is effectively leading those of the Light towards completion, so that with the coming of the New Age and the end of the old Age, they may be sure of ascending. His work is so important to Humanity that he is fully protected whilst providing you with largely untold information regarding the larger Truth. His greater revelations are about the truth of life outside of Earth and well beyond. David is leading the Lightworkers so that they are aware of the many life forms within your Universe. In turn they will be able to pass the information down the line so that when those of the Light appear on Earth, you will already have some knowledge of their intentions. Ascension is by no means unique but as many of you are already aware, for those who are about to do so it is a very special upliftment with Humans ascending in their physical bodies. Already the incoming energies are having an effect and every soul to a greater or lesser degree is affected. Those who are already aware of what is happening can take it in their stride, but for those who find it difficult it can be confusing. But do not worry as upliftment is intentionally a slow process so that it does not over power you. As you must by now be aware, at some point those who cannot rise up any further will move to a new path that suits their needs. Exciting times are soon coming that will delight you unless you find them difficult to comprehend. Virtually everything you are familiar with will change for the better, and quickly take you into a future unlike anything you have experienced so far. Many souls who have gone before you will help you take your place amongst those who have preceded you. They are your brothers and sisters and eagerly await your return, as you will be celebrated and acknowledged for the great service you have performed for the rest of Humanity. Bear in mind that when you volunteered to drop into the lower vibrations, you knew what lay ahead and the many challenges you would encounter. You are all the greater for it and your experience will help many others who will follow. For all those who are aware of their destiny and are progressing towards completion, know that the present times are your way out of duality. Every effort you put in will be well worthwhile and put you firmly on the path to full Galactic growth. You are already beginning to realise that you have much more to understand, and that it is only the lower vibrations that have held you back. It makes your progress a wonderful achievement yet your level of consciousness is still growing, and you are heading for full consciousness. No longer will you be kept in a false and unreal reality, and the revelations to come will help move you quickly into a more realistic situation. Because of the variety that Earth is composed of it is one of the most beautiful planets in the Universe. But for the actions of Man it would truly be the Garden of Eden, however Man has ridden roughshod over its beauty and deliberately destroyed it. You only have to look at the beauty in the masses of flowers that exist on Earth to appreciate the wonders of creation. Then consider the many types of animals that roam it to realise that the hand of God is in everything that has life. Man also has the gift of creation, but has largely lacked the ideals and foresight that is required to create lasting beauty. It will all change in the near future as you rise up into the higher dimensions. Somewhere within each soul is the appreciation of beauty, but many have allowed themselves to drop down in vibrations and focussed on that which is undesirable. You will see the higher expressions when the first City of Light manifests very soon in Sedona, USA. It is there out of sight except to those who are of the higher vibrations and simply awaits the right time to fully manifest on Earth. It is a golden City of Healing Centres and will be open to those who need help and healing. Some of you will already be aware of their existence and have read Genii Townsend’s books about them. The Cities are just one of the wonderful sights that you will see once the New Age can fully come into being. Until the truth of your existence is revealed along with news of the imminent changes, you will have to rely upon your Internet, yet even there are people reporting who are simply the pawns of the Illuminati and spreading false information. However, if you keep up to date with the news from websites that you have identified as reliable, you should be well informed. You cannot know it all so concentrate on the latest news from sources that will give a fair and truthful account of what is taking place. There are many, many Beings of Light standing by your side and that is your guarantee of a safe journey to completion. Keep patient and allow time for events to manifest, as you need not worry as the outcome will make you all happy, and joyous to at last be free from the restraints that have held you back from advancement. I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self. In Love and Light. Mike Quinsey. Website: Tree of the Golden Light
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