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![]() FIRST THEY CAME FOR THE JEWS, AND I WAS NOT A JEW SO I DID NOTHING. THEN THEY CAME FOR THE COMMUNISTS, AND I WAS NOT A COMMUNIST SO I DID NOTHING. THEN THEY CAME FOR THE TRADE UNIIONISTS, AND I WAS NOT A TRADE UNIONIST SO I DID NOTHING. THEN THEY CAME FOR ME, AND THERE WAS NO-ONE LEFT TO SPEAK OUT FOR ME. Every day in your World people are losing their Human Rights and Freedoms and as each freedom is removed and you do not raise an objection you give permission to enslave you. This is not too strong a word for what is happening, wake up before its too late. Do not leave it to the few who speak out, each and every one of you owe it to yourselves and your children as well as future generations. Open your minds, come together, support each other, reach out to the Guidance that is already there in Human Form as well as Spirit. Become the Conscious Human Being that you are, you were never meant to live in a Police State obeying all the Laws that are there just to manipulate you into accepting the New World Order. I ask yet again, take back your power, do not fall into the trap of feeling "Who am I to question", do not see yourself as a victim, this is what they want, you are a Human Being who will one day return to Spirit where you belong. There is a New Age awaiting you, do you go forward, embrace the Light and live in dignity and harmony with "all that is".? Decision time is upon you, the "Wait and see attitude" will condemn you to a life of slavery in Darkness. Your World is changing-- go with the flow, the Light is ready to embrace you. Do not give in to the FEAR and intimidation, control and suppression. Ask yourselves HOW CAN SO FEW CONTROL THE MASSES, your Governments, Banks, Education, T.V., Newspapers, the Food you eat, the Medication you take, everything that is available to you is completely controlled and the control becomes more powerful day by day. WAKE UP before its too late to do so. My dear wife works hard to bring truth and guidance, she has made connections with others who too work in the Light, together they will show you the way forward. I told you that we in Spirit were instrumental in guiding David Icke 's writing of his book " Human Race, Get Off Your Knees," this is exactly what you all need to do and do it now. He is a shining example of someone who has worked so hard to open minds. The abuse and ridicule he has endured only served to make him stronger, these people now read his books. Doing what you know to be right is all that is relevant. David has kindly given Veronica permission to put on our website his discussion with Jordan Maxwell, its on Bill Ryan's Project Avalon . It is a wonderful insight into the work of these two great researchers. Veronica looks forward to working with all seekers of Truth. Our plans are great, go with what you know deep down that you know to be true, your intuition will never lead you astray, seek self-awareness. Know who you are, Children of God who happen to be on Earth at this time. Ian R Crane is someone else Veronica has come together with. These young men work so hard each in his own way to bring Truth and Light to Mankind, we are all working towards the same end. United we stand, Divided we fall, it is time for all good men to come together to restore the Light. Thank you my dear for taking part in the film that is being made about the great Dr John Mack (Harvard). John was someone else who suffered at the hands of Government but he had the strength to go with what he knew to be right. Soon there will be no question about his work, the evidence will speak for itself. The Powers that be move mountains to suppress the truth, it takes courage to expose the Truth. We have each suffered as we walked this path of Truth, we did not have a choice, we choose our paths before we incarnated, we choose to take Earth forward to the New Age of Light, out of the Darkness that has engulfed it for so long. We work together today my love as we did when I was at your side but now it has taken on a greater urgency. There is much to be done, the timing is right, forward we go embracing all who wish to take this path. Everything will come to fruition just as I said it would. We use the night to imprint information which you will decode when the timing is right, yes the colours are wonderful, you will see your World in all its splendour when the darkness and controls are removed. We are with you every step of the way surrounding you with Love and Light. Enjoy the adventure that you are embarking on, the end result will surpass all you could imagine. Take time for family and friends, you need a break as our work is all consuming and time runs away with you when you are dedicated to the cause. My love is yours, I am forever at your side, your adoring Husband, Monty. The Wish. Many of you asked where you can get this CD; www.angeladonovan.com. It is very enlightening it teaches us how to get in touch with our Higher Being. Website: The Montague Keen Foundation ![]() ![]() please let us know and we'll add you to our mailing list. |
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