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![]() Hello my friends. My, how time flies when you are having fun! I know down here on earth it is highly important to have fun … in my book anyway, and yet I find so many people really don’t seem to know how to have a good laugh. To me it comes really easily … to some, this doesn’t seem to be the case. I find laughing such a blessing. It is such a good Lightenerupperer! Tell me … do you have a good laugh now and then or is that sort of ‘out of your zone’? We are not of human form, therefore we would say that we do not ‘giggle’ in the same way in which you would imagine. And yet … your word of ‘lightenerupperer’ we would find extremely apt as we have moments of our colour literally lighting up. I thought you were going to say lightening up … so ... what …. You mean like turning on a switch and the light goes on type of lighteneing up? In a sense this would be the most appropriate way to describe it in your terms. You see dear lady , as we have said before , unless you are of this vibration in which we reside you are unable to understand so many many things. If we were to be able to give you just a few seconds of your time in our vibration you would immediately know why we are unable to explain certain things. Yet, from knowledge I have gained , we would not be able to be in your vibration because we would find it too ‘blinding’ as we are not yet of it … within our Being. There will come a time in your future days that you will be able to experience so much more. As you move up into the purer frequency that has emerged you will certainly find that things that once were very ‘alien’ to you have become very natural. This is what we need you to accept …. The fact that it is not what you are about to become … it is what you already are! And when you are told that you have forgotten who you are ... to a certain degree this is so, and yet we would also ask you to acknowledge that there is a particular frequency that was put out ‘in’ your earths atmosphere that was designed to do this very thing … make you forget. And over a period of time it did its job very well indeed. And yet now it is … how should we put it … as if the ‘chemical’ has worn off … is wearing off .. likened to an immune system . After a time ... that which one is trying to become immune to ... upgrades itself to always come out on top … and yet WE FIRMLY STATE … this is not so within the spiritual reaction of the self. For it cannot be controlled any longer. It has far out grown any supercilious concoction that was designed for the detriment of the Higher self. The soul cannot be controlled. One has been led to believe in certain parts of your world that this is so … and yet we tell you this is not possible. On the finest , purest aspect of the soul self there is ONLY that soul self that can ‘speak for itself’ … and it is Now more than ever before that we ask you to ‘GET THIS’. WHO YOU ARE IS MORE THAN ANYTHING THAT IS TRYING TO TELL YOU THAT YOU ARE NOT WHO YOU ARE!!!! NOW IS THE TIME TO RECOGNISE AND UNDERSTAND THIS ON THE DEEPER LEVEL OF UNDERSTANDING THAT YOU ARE ALL SO VERY CAPABLE OF. Do not be concerned that you are unworthy or too weak. This cannot be so. YOU ARE THE TOTALITY OF THE SOULSELF... MANIFESTED INTO A BEING HERE ON EARTH IN ORDER TO BRING ABOUT THE TRANSITION INTO THE NEW WORLD. YOU ARE THE ONES WHO VOLUNTEERED AND WERE CHOSEN. Dear ones, do you think we would have chosen souls who were not going to be able to fulfil this 'oh so important task?' We could not do so ... for there would be no purpose of that. Therefore, KNOW that the ones chosen were chosen for their strength within this vast transformation. We ask also that you accept the time in which YOU are here. Not all were as blessed as YOU. Sometimes we cannot fully understand for we are not in your human form. We do not ‘get’ the way that you allow your minds to follow through sometimes. For WE KNOW that YOU ARE THE ONES. The ones who came to assist upon the earth. To walk on the ground of your planet and anchor your energy and your Light so that those of us who are not from your earth maybe guided by your very torches that shine from deep within your souls. Oh brothers and sisters … we have such pride when we encounter BEINGS of LIGHT who have come to recognize and REMEMBER. Search through the tunnels of time dearest ones and come through ... recalling that which YOU ARE. For we say to each one of you … when you do … when you allow yourselves to find your TRUTH that others have mistakenly tried to hide from you … you will find a strength… you will discover ALL the things that we and many others from many planets and craft have been telling you of. You will ‘get it’. In an instant you will understand. And may we say with the deepest LOVE in our BEING that the relief of this understanding will bring a peace to your soul. It will give you the greatest joy. You will be home … within yourself …. You will access home. How long have you waited? Indeed , how long has the entire system awaited these coming days? You have all had moments of doubts. You have clung to the vision of the brightest star and begged for it to lead you onwards. You have prayed to the heavens with such despair in your Beings for the entrapmemt of the density of the earth plane has often times been too much to bare for the individual soul. An yet NOW dearest ones … do you not see? …. You are individual souls yes … yet you are understanding the meaning of One. You are uniting your energies ... your beacons of Light. You are emerging as the butterfly , spreading its iridescent wings and soaring into the new skies. One by one you are shedding the skin of old and FREEING your spirit . Fly … we say to you … fly dear friends. Allow your souls to FEEL this FREEDOM that you have given yourself permission to own. For with this freedom you will find that yesterdays sorrows are simply that ... In the past. They are no more . There is only the promise of the TRUTH … the TRUTH above all else that shall be revealed to you as you allow this shift of consciousness to take you to a place that is beyond that which you know to be a paradise. Yet this place … this place is not ‘somewhere’ … it is within, dearest ones. It is from within you …inside your hearts that you shall discover this new land. Be uplifted. FEEL the Lightness as it enters in . Let it permeate through the very pores of your skin and integrate with every cell of your body . For ALL THAT IS shall receive , within the fullness of time … this wonderful gift that is to be embraced. This gift … this eternal flame … is the very essence of us all. This LOVE that we are … is you and it is me. It is everything. We are blessed and in awe of the progression that has come into being upon your planet. You are accepting that the good fight is not a fight … it is a calling …. A calling of souls to gather as ONE and give of their service to one and other. To lift up the consciousness into a place that is acceptable to all. It was an agreement. That is why you are here. You are ALL displaying such character and strength of mind. Just as we knew you would. I cant really find any words … and yet I FEEL a peace. A reassurance from all that you say. It gives us hope. Well, it does me anyway. The hope is because of the KNOWING that we FEEL. I cant quite imagine what life must be like without hope. The prospect of a better world ahead is so comforting. And now it is simply a matter of us focusing on this , in order to bring it about. You have hit the nail on the head so to speak. That is SIMPLY all that is required. It makes sense dear ones to simplify not complicate. In ALL aspects of life and matters of self ... keep it simple. For when one tries to take matters into a place of complexity , then indeed that is when the soul becomes lost in a mire of untruths. BE. ALLOW YOURSELVES TO SIMPLY BE… YOURSELVES. Not always that easy. But we are all trying. And I believe we are getting there. Wherever ‘there’ maybe. There is a LOVE emerging that is almost tangible …yet … I cant quite put my finger on it!!! I wonder when we shall be together … all of us … from many planets … sharing stories of how we came to be in the place that we shall find ourselves in. I sort of FEEL that when that ‘space’ is upon us , the most dominant factor of all will be that we got there … through LOVE. And we would add that already so many of you are well on the path that leads to that ‘space’. It is time for our departure from your energy this night. You are FEELING us very close are you not? Yes, just exactly how close are you ? On your doorstep. Meaning ?? In metaphorical time frames it is the closest we can offer in regards to the Light that is brighter than Lights you have ever seen before appearing to your planets vibratory system ... I guess that is our dilemma. The whole 'time' thing. One day … just maybe one day …. This will all occur and millions of us on the planet will FEEL a glow in our hearts and know that all over the world those of us that KNEW this day would come will be sending a smile out to each other and a general satisfactory nod will take place on mass. In Love and thanks my friends. We’ll be waiting .. NOT LONG NOW. Metaphorically speaking!! Website: Blossom Goodchild ![]() ![]() por favor déjenos saber y lo añadiremos a nuestra lista de correo. |
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