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![]() Hello there! I would like to address a particular matter if you don’t mind, so we will get straight to it. Welcome, Blossom and to all our Dearest Souls that we consider family friends. How nice! Ditto.Ok. I watched a documentary the other night which depicted people so very, very worse off than me and the lives they had ‘chosen’. I KNOW and appreciate and give Gratitude daily for the Blessed place and life I have ‘chosen’. Can you explain why this world of ours is like living in two different ones? The comparison/standard of living/life is enormous and just doesn’t seem right, just or indeed, fair. Thank you. Blossom, there is much in your world that you would not consider fair. Yet, it is not about fairness. That does not come into it. This again is a varied topic depending on many perspectives and we shall try our best to assist in giving an appropriate /satisfactory answer. Placement of souls geographically upon your Planet is, as you correctly say … of choice. Indeed, you may not be able to grasp why one would choose to live in utter poverty and another in the lap of luxury. One’s choices depend on that which is to suit the soul in any given lifetime. It is not that when ‘counselled’ regarding placement for a following lifetime, that one would be sent to a war-torn or famined or low energy area as punishment for action taken in a previous existence. Not at all. It is the decision of any particular soul to do so. They may feel they ‘deserve it’ … to suffer in such a way due to misgivings of actions upon another previously. They may feel they are strong enough to be of great service in a particular ‘depressive’ situation. They may feel the need to ‘be there’ to accelerate their soul’s growth through experiencing such tough times in one fell swoop, as you would say. It is easier I guess, to mention the documentary I watched, which was Michael Moore’s ‘Fahrenheit 11/9’. Those of lesser Light deliberately poisoned an entire town through changing the water supply from a beautifully clear one to a river of filth. Whereupon, people became so sick due to lead poisoning etc. When the ‘unclear of what Light is’ souls realized the water was eroding the cars in their factory … they changed the water back over, yet only to the car factory and THEN, they used the now almost derelict town, without warning, for war zone practice. PLEASE, PLEASE help us to come from the right place in order to THANK these lower energy souls as suggested in the last communication! Again, Blossom … ALL IS NOT AS IT SEEMS. Then what is it? I know you are going to say A GAME. Yet, with the greatest of respect, you are not one of the players down here. Such injustices that ‘appear’ to be spreading like wildfire … HAVE TO STOP … NOW! (Speaking of which … the weather is so controlled, it’s out of control!) We are not prepared to take it anymore. You say by Being Love and shining our Light is the only way through. Well, those of us that are aware of this are doing our best. Yet, from our position here on the ground … it ‘aint working! Yes, it is. Show me the evidence? Look around you. I AM! Around ME is beautiful … yet, swimming around in my clear watered goldfish bowl doesn’t take away the fact that life isn’t like this for everyone … and … it should be! Blossom, each and every one are playing their role as planned. Well, with the greatest of respect … The Game stinks! Yet, created by consciousness itself … and you … each one .. are part of that creation. And now we want out … OR … at least some help! So many times I hear souls asking why YOUR lot, or those of your kind, can’t jump in and assist us? We all know the experiment has gone drastically wrong … and if we leave it too late, it will be … too late! What are the laws that say you can’t come in and lend a helping hand? The laws are very much in place in order for The Divine Plan to run smoothly. Whoever put them in place … should perhaps be told it ain’t working! I know you know I am just trying to ‘get somewhere’ as opposed to being outright rude to you. I love you dearly. Blossom and all … Take heed. PLANS ARE IN PLACE! For the Highest Good of all, for the Highest possible outcome … Yet, do you not see? Do you not understand, that for us down here, these ‘Knowings’ that we are told year after year, seem to leave us dangling upside down by our ankles and the rope is becoming threadbare under the strain? We hang on and we hang on and we hang on and for many, there is no proof that anything is changing at all. Next thing is, we are going to be bombarded with 5G radiation! I mean really … why don’t they just drop a bomb and get it over and done with? Our world went insane a long time ago … and we’ve lost our happy pills! Clearly, my soul is in need of an offload. THE CHANGE IS COMING. So you’ve said. THE BIG CHANGE … THEE CHANGE IS COMING. So you’ve said. And we will keep reiterating so. Because we speak TRUTH. I know this. I TRULY do. Otherwise, I would be ceasing the friendship yet, can you not see how out of hand it is? THE CHANGE NEEDS TO COME NOW. Surely, Divine timing would be best to come NOW! Your frustration is evident, dearest Blossom. We ask you to look deep within. To REMEMBER that you signed up for this, as did so many. YOU KNEW … and this is not new information to you … that it was not going to be an easy ride … yet, you still all ran to the front of the line to volunteer. To come down to Earth … to be in the STRONGEST POSITION … IN ORDER TO MAKE THIS CHANGE HAPPEN. And yes, from this position it can appear to be an ugly scene. You are in the intensity of it. It is affecting your soul … IF YOU GIVE IN! YOU KNOW / KNEW your strength whilst not of Earth. You KNOW / KNEW it would not FEEL the same when upon it. REMEMBER, REMEMBER, REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE AND WHY YOU WANTED TO COME. YOU … EACH ONE WERE CHOSEN. YOU WERE OF SUCH GRATITUDE THAT YOU WERE GIVEN THE HONOUR. HOLD ON. HOLD ON. HOLD ON JUST A LITTLE WHILE LONGER. REGAIN YOUR STRENGTH. CALL UPON THE MIGHTY FORCES OF LIGHT THAT ARE JUST A BREATH / THOUGHT AWAY. BILLIONS UPON BILLIONS OF LIGHT ENERGY SOURCES / FORCES ARE RIDING RIGHT ALONGSIDE YOU. They want you to FEEL THEM. They want you to KNOW they are there with you. Draw from the strength and renewed Light Force they are offering. YOU ARE ONE LIGHT. YOU ARE A MIGHTY POWER. YOU ARE LOVE AND ALL THAT IS. Do not give in /give up now. We are here to tell you, to remind you to muster up the YOU within you and prepare yourselves for the last lap. A runner of a long, long, long race feels they cannot go on and then renewed strength fills their Being as the finishing line comes into view. I know I have said this before, yet, the finishing line was presented to us in 2012. We were told we were almost there. Time … no time … that is where the confusion lies. YOU ARE ALMOST THERE. FEEL THESE HEIGHTENED ENERGIES FILLING YOUR BEING. THEY COULD NOT COME INTO YOUR PLANET BEFORE. IT WASN’T READY AND IT WASN’T TIME. NOW IT IS READY … NOW IT IS TIME. Even though there is no time! Chaps, chapesses, I am aware of my rant today, which I have brought forth from within me and on the behalf of many. It needs to be said … we are struggling in the understanding of just how far this game has to go! We accept your disposition and indeed, we thank you for it. No offense taken? None whatsoever. We’ll carry on, gaining strength from unseen Light Forces. Allowing ourselves to unite and feel that which is offered in order to see this thing through. We came in with such courage. May we regain it and march forward. THANK YOU. An indulgence on my part today … That’s how it went. Blossom, Souls of Earth that are continuing on … Spreading THE LIGHT UPON and WITHIN … Hold steadfast in the KNOWING … THE CHANGE IS COMING AND SOONER THAN YOU THINK. I don’t ‘think’ anymore. I wait. When it happens … it happens according to the Divine Plan … and so it is. Thanks, Guys … hadn’t seen this going this way at all today. In Gratitude, in Loving service. I AM. As each one finishes reading this transmission … please now give yourself a moment to connect and breathe and smile with us … knowing we are right there beside you IN LOVE and LIGHT and STRENGTH. (I was sent ‘The Little Soul and the Sun’ by Neil Donald Walsh, three times last week. I read it many years ago. I TOTALLY get its point. All I am saying is … we all agree, both on and off world, that this experiment has gone too far. That is why I speak as I do today.) A note from Blossom. These channellings are posted on many sites that I am unaware of and not everyone receives my newsletter. So I take this opportunity to let you know of this exciting Event I am holding in Bali: http://blossomgoodchild.com/upcoming-event/. Many thanks. Please revisit The Invocation 'We are the Game Changers' whenever the mood takes you ... to keep the Energy as HIGH as we can. Make every day a HAPPY HUMAN DAY! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_DDBfwTX1g&feature=youtu.be The link to be able to access all my YouTubes is http://www.youtube.com/user/isjaabmo Website: Blossom Goodchild include("ads.php") ?>
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