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![]() Hello. Well, after a three week break and not being able to get through to you yesterday, I suddenly feel LIGHT headed and feel you are here. Go for it! We thank you for heeding our request. Indeed we are eager to speak with you. Yesterday, your Energies were not conducive to our needs. In fact we would say, it was not just your Energies that were causing the ‘no go’. Our weather is torrential at the moment, I don’t feel that is helping. Correct, and yet, we can ‘clearly’ reach you in this moment of your time. I am sort of hesitant to bring this up, in case it is not what you were requiring to speak of, yet, I guess you’ll let me know. In that … It will be ten years this weekend that you had to abort the mission of having vast ships appear and remain in our skies for three days. (Oct 14th 2008). Ten years. WOW! We are indeed keen to speak of this as a matter of urgency. Uh oh! Meaning? Meaning that we wish to jog memories for those who are aware of that time. There was much expectancy, much hope, much excitement. Many experienced ‘something quite phenomenal’ and many experienced much disappointment, which sadly turned into anger and hate. Directed like arrows straight at me, as I recall! Indeed. Yet, with the greatest respect you survived, as we knew you would. Aborting the spectacular show was necessary, as much damage would have fallen upon your Planet and Human kind, if we had not done so. Those with a lesser than Light agenda knew for sure that YOU/THIS was no hoax and were not prepared to let ‘US’ enter into your skies in this way. In this ‘portrayal of TRUTH’. If we had gone ahead we would have surely been allowing unnecessary destruction to MOST of your Planet . Much water under the bridge in these ten years … and many, many thousands still hanging on to your every word. That’s got to say something for who you are. And may we say … who YOU are. Aw Shucks! A little embarrassed, yet, that’s what came through. We would then Lighten that embarrassment with the addition of ‘who YOU ALL are’. For inside each one, your Truth is prompting you to follow our words. Even though what ‘did not’ take place as planned, could so easily have ‘turned you away’. Yet, here you are, and many, many more on board since. TRUTH CANNOT HELP BUT GAIN MOMENTUM, DEAR FRIENDS. TRUTH is within you. TRUTH is the knowledge of KNOWING TRUTH! You have steadfastly held on to your TRUTH and allowed it to lead you onward. So many times have you been battered and blown around by the harsh winds that have prevailed and yet … your core … your roots remain embedded in the LOVE/LIGHT THAT YOU ARE. Even though you may sometimes feel like giving up … you never will. You cannot. For you are Warriors of Light and you are here to see your mission through … and you ARE doing … and you shall/will. So close now … So close to so much change. Change that has been going on behind the scenes … and yet, you shall find that suddenly … ALL WILL BE REVEALED … As if the curtain fell and all that was hidden behind it, will now be exposed. Many of you are confused and would we say even ‘afeared’ of what is taking place in your world at this time. One does not know who or what is working for the Light. So much is being branded about, that one does not know which way to turn. We say … Turn Within … Within YOU. You do not need ‘US’. You do not need anyone or anything to go within side of yourself and ask LOVE to be your ONLY GUIDE. SEND LOVE TO EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE. ASKING FOR THE HIGHEST GOOD OF ALL TO BE THE ONLY WAY THROUGH. TO BE THE ONLY OUTCOME. BLESS EVERY LIVING THING AS YOU POUR YOUR LOVE INTO/ONTO THIS PRECIOUS PLANET. BE ONLY OF LOVE. THIS IS THE ONLY WAY THROUGH. LOVE. LOVE. LOVE. We express this over and over and shall continue to do so. Let go of fear and concern. Channel your Energies into sending LOVE to your Planet and those within and upon her. Whenever fear or confusion arise … thank it. Thank yourself for recognising this is not of your desire and consciously ... immediately ... CHANGE that Energy into LOVE. SMILE. Put a smile on your face and breathe in deeply … In your mind’s eye visualise a field of flowers opening up from a bud into full bloom. Visualise a dolphin jumping out of the ocean and splashing in play. Visualise an angel wrapping their wings around you. Visualise your entire Planet holding hands with one another and laughing … CHANGE YOUR THOUGHTS IN ORDER TO CHANGE YOUR WORLD. Rise above all that you are being bombarded with. Listen to us, Dearest Souls and we ask you to listen well. All that you are presented with in so many forms … is to distract you from THE TRUTH. Yes, we understand that you are living in your world, upon your Planet … ( or so you think) … Yet, it is an illusion. This is not the first time we have spoken of this. YOU ARE IN CONTROL … YOU ... EACH ONE OF YOU. If you do not know what to believe … then do not believe any of it! Yet, YOU DO KNOW how to breathe and visualise a world that you want. EVERY BEING ON YOUR PLANET KNOWS HOW TO DO THAT. SO DO THAT! NOW MORE THAN EVER … YOU MUST UNDERSTAND HOW TO RAISE YOUR VIBRATION FOR YOURSELVES. The Energies that are coming in now are SO STRONG … SO POIGNANT … SO DETAILED. They carry within them ‘Jewels of wonder.’ The Light contained within them CAN BE absorbed by you. Yet, you must be willing to accept them. Accept them by KNOWING THEM to be what they are. LIGHT. YOU! YOU ARE LIGHT. THESE ENERGIES ARE ‘MORE OF YOU’! ABSORB THEM IN LOVE INTO/THROUGHOUT YOUR BEINGNESS! As you allow them to penetrate into YOUR individual Energy you will Feel/ Experience the heightened level of yourself as the Energy coming in co-joins with your Energy … for it is one and the same. Would we say … an addition to. KNOW THIS TO BE YOUR TRUTH. KNOWING is so much more of a signature. Believing /hoping is all well and good and on the road to … Yet, if you want to get there and get there fast … KNOW THIS TO BE TRUTH. YOUR POWER in much HIgher doses is contained within this combination! TRY IT OUT. See for yourselves. I have to say, my third eye is about to take off right now! It is connecting and adjusting to the Higher Energies, Blossom. We are so very excited regarding what is to come about. As we watch over and recognise each one ‘coming into their own’ … we revel in the Joy that this shall bring for One and All. Good Lord Maud. I have to say, it will be so good for this to come about. We have been waiting for what seems like eons. And yet … in ‘real’ terms, there has been no time at all. Just a movement … an expansion of self. Walking into one’s Truth … one step at a time. Indeed … at a ‘time’. At a time when the most Glorious of revelations shall be what they say they are ... revealed. Such ‘Re’joy’cing’ as one recognises TRUTH . Such Celebration when one has become TRUTH. WALK ON. WALK ON. WALK ON WARRIORS. We and so many, are walking alongside you … all the way. The time is coming when WE cannot be denied. No one shall be in denial of ‘US’ even though they say they are. More and more shall our vessels of Light enter into your atmospheres. More and more spectacular Light shows shall be on/at hand. More and more shall we display maneuverers of a different kind, leaving in our trail … evidence that proves beyond doubt and questionability that we are from ‘elsewhere’ and yet, more importantly, that WE LOVE YOU. Evidence of such facts will spread so fast and such excitement will build momentum. It shall be like a crescendo as an orchestra climaxes … ONE WILL KNOW US. And … ONE WILL KNOW AS IN TRUTH AND IN LOVE. Some think that there could be false flags. Perhaps even showings of ships disguised as you and yet, not. Dearest souls … even with much secrecy of technology held by your human kind … NOTHING can PRETEND to BE US! When trying to do so … it shall be very obvious as to which is which! Breathe and smile! Breathe and smile! Breathe and smile. If you can do nothing else in these coming days … do this! I have been. I know I mentioned it before … yet, it works so well. This is why we mention it again. We are showing you an image of your world map and pin points upon it. One would use this to ‘mark out’ a certain conglomeration of a particular thing. We show you this, as if this is what we see when one is breathing and smiling, breathing and smiling. Many, many, many pin points Lighting up your world. Strength in Numbers, Dearest Souls. Strength in numbers. GATHER TOGETHER AS ONE IN HEART AND MIND. THE TIME IS COMING WHEN VICTORY IS YOURS. YOU ARE THE LIGHT THAT IS PROMISED. YOU ARE THE LOVE THAT IS DIVINE. DIVINITY IS YOUR BIRTH RITE. KNOW YOU ARE THE LIGHT/LOVE OF DIVINE SOURCE ENERGY EXPERIENCING SOMETHING NEW … SOMETHING THAT HAS NEVER TAKEN PLACE EVER BEFORE. AND YOU ARE HERE … ON PLANET EARTH … RIGHT IN THE THICK OF IT. BLESSINGS UPON EACH LIGHT … EACH LIGHT THAT SHINES ON THE PATHWAY AHEAD. EACH LIGHT THAT IS HERE NOW TO WALK BOLDLY FORWARD IN THE KNOWING THAT FREEDOM IS SOON TO BE YOURS. We repeat … VISUALISE EACH ONE HOLDING HANDS, HEARTS FULL … IN GRATITUDE OF TRUTH. In Gratitude of WHAT IS. You are almost there, Dearest Souls. Almost there. That would be nice. I won’t put my slippers on just yet though. Thanks Guys. You have given me/taught me so much over the years. I am happy to me NOW . For there was such a huge chunk of my life when that wasn’t the case. Oct 14th for me, brought a new strength within me. A deeper Trust in you … and it is SUCH AN HONOUR to bring these messages through. I am deeply humbled that you consider me worthy. In Gratitude. In Loving service. I AM. ps. Can’t help myself … A massive fly over on Sunday 14th would go down a treat! Preferably over Noosa QLD. HA-HA. Thank you! I'll put the kettle on! pps. A message from me... Perhaps this Sunday Oct 14th ... you would do me the honour of taking this 'Invocation' into your Being and feel it in your heart. Many for the 1st time. UNITED WE STAND, Dearest friends, AS ONE. Many thanks. Please revisit The Invocation 'We are the Game Changers' whenever the mood takes you ... to keep the Energy as HIGH as we can. Make every day a HAPPY HUMAN DAY! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_DDBfwTX1g&feature=youtu.be The link to be able to access all my YouTubes is http://www.youtube.com/user/isjaabmo Website: Blossom Goodchild include("ads.php") ?>
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