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![]() Today I thought I would start with a BIG THANK YOU for this journey we have embarked upon together. It would have been pretty dull without you that’s for sure. We have encountered some rocky roads along the way and some full of the sweetest smelling roses. You … along with White Cloud have delivered to us the most profound understandings at times … and at other times … things I am unable to get my head around. I have developed the deepest LOVE and respect for you my friends … and I TRUST our friendship shall continue throughout MY BEING. And we say to you that we have experimented and learned of so much due to your devotion to the cause. We do not say this just to you dearest Blossom, yet to each one who has joined us along the way … in this merry party! For we are able to hear your voices of yearnings. We are able to hear your prayers. We continue to analyze matters that you put forth to us and surmise as to how best to approach them on your behalf. We cannot quite understand all that is presented due to the difference in vibration and it is not always as clear when it reaches us. A little like your Chinese whispers. Yet it is the energy of that which you beseech that arrives in all its glorious colour. These days … and we are speaking of today forth … you shall notice a profound difference in your way of thinking. You shall find yourself aware of YOURSELF and the way it is CHOOSING to conduct its thoughts. You shall find it easier to be of a brighter nature. May I interrupt here? Do we have a choice? Nope! For quite a while I have found on waking to be rather ‘dragged down’ in my entirety. I have to make a real effort to pull myself out of it and ‘get going’. I would have thought by now it would not have to be such a struggle … such an effort. It is only after being up and about that something ‘clicks’ back into the more amenable me! Can you chat about that please? Indeed. You are ‘leaving the old’. You are letting go of it. It is that in your sleeping hours you are revisiting that which you are sending on its way … in order to do so! You are … many of you … taking on a vast amount of ‘cleansing’ during your sleep time. Not just for yourselves … but for your planet. For all damage that has occurred. You are dissipating darker energies. You are travelling to many places to ‘prepare’ not just the souls of an area , but the EARTH and environment around it . You are teaching/ learning at ‘seminars’. You are ‘revising’ that which you are to accomplish as these days bring into fruition the ultimate plan. You are busy bees when you are ‘unconscious’. Struth … no wonder I FEEL as I do! Remember also little one … Sorry to interrupt again … is that you White Cloud? …. Not usual to be called that by The Federation. I am indeed part of the piece and now and then my influence streams through. So have you always been a part of these channellings then? Of course. How very interesting! Makes a lot of sense. Onwards … where were we… Each one of you are far greater than you can comprehend … and yet … as each day broadens your perspective … you shall remember more and more of your capabilities and the use of them shall not drain your physicality as much as it can sometimes do. Something that shall ‘bowl you over’ … is how much more energy you have within your BEINGS. To accomplish things that normally you would have the need to sit and nana nap. You will FEEL a freshness in your BEING as all that has been dragging you down is done away with … for good … and you recognize a youth returning . Your physicality’s shall visibly change which ... Shall bring great joy! Indeed. Many ailments will also ‘noticeably’ leave of their own accord. For they have completed their reasoning for BEING there. Just need to say … that I now FEEL the consciousness of THE FOL rather than White Cloud. Go figure! Another notification shall be knowledge that one is aware of offering to others. One shall KNOW it and yet also KNOW that only yesterday they did not know it. They shall then smile for the recognition of the NEW AGE shall dawn upon them. The children shall seem more rested as this Higher energy comes in. Do not be surprised if they are ‘seeing’ things that you cannot. KNOW they are of TRUTH when they speak of such things … It is just that they are more readily able to adjust to the NEW FIELD. Yet KNOW too, your turn shall come. One shall become more aware of the negative thought arising and ‘throw it away’ before it is spoken … giving it no energy. Therefore it cannot transpire. And yet thoughts of DIVINE fruition shall swell with in the heart and manifest eventually instantaneously. Is it that you have trouble KNOWING this BLOSSOM? Oh no … not at all … It’s going to be wonderful. I guess I am thinking more of the time frame in which we shall notice all of this. It begins as of now. Two of your days ago … many of you experienced an upliftment. For those that did not FEEL the energy as strongly as another … or indeed at all … this does not mean that you have missed the boat. You will either have been activated at the time … and it will take time for you to be aware of the change as it integrates within your BEING … OR … you have not yet been activated as there are a few minor details to fulfill before this can take place. Yet rest assured … each one of you will NOTICE THE CHANGE. Yes … as you lot probably know … because I imagine you were there assisting … my activation DEFINATELY took place the next day 13th . Two hours of lying on the bed aware of so much happening to me. At one point I even saw/felt the body bag being zipped over my head … and it got caught in my hair. My instant thought was … the death of the old me! Some of you will have experienced profound activations. This is not from a pick and choose who gets to FEEL that. Of course it is not of that nature. It is because some of you are in a position to ‘take on board’ the reality of it on a more conscious level. I found it interesting that White Cloud spoke the other day of us choosing. I have lived by choice of attitude for a long time about my life … yet … I thought it wouldn’t be so much ‘choice’ anymore … as opposed to naturally FEELING the ‘right attitude to take’ … rather than having to always ‘choose’ ‘taking the High road’. Actually the answer has just flooded in of course! And we shall reiterate. Your ability to choose the Highest good regarding any thought or action you may have has allowed you to attend to any matter with such speed … which is NOW always heading in the right direction. This you have trained yourselves to do over a period of time. Many many years in fact. You were not simply aware of this KNOWING and were able to ‘make it instantaneously happen’. Yet look at the difference in understanding NOW … compared to all those years ago. The only difference BEING here … in these NEW DAYS … is that … that which is accepted and understood ... does not take nearly as long to ‘sink in’ and put into operation. So many many changes and differences shall you be made aware of regarding the way you conduct your thought patterns … which in turn of course … shall allow manifestation of all your needs to be attained. Yet we choose to focus more on THE FEELING OF LOVE WITHIN YOU. THIS IS SOMETHING TO BEHOLD. AND HOLD IT WITHIN YOU …YOU SHALL DEAREST SOULS. There simply are no words … no form of verbal expression … other than the breath of 'AH' …. To describe to you that which you are to FEEL when the presence arrives. The Christmas presence! I am so sorry … Truly I am … to keep asking silly pathetic questions … for we will KNOW when we KNOW … yet … When this presence arrives … this Light … will the world be ‘put on hold’ for a while … minutes? Hours? Days? … Many thought 12.12.12. was going to appear just as strongly … yet again …those who have chosen to be asleep were and still are … none the wiser. Is this how it is to be when The Happening takes place … Which to be honest … will be such a letdown for so many. Note I say when The Happening happens … I do not say on 21st Dec … because I AM… like many … in this place of not wanting to be disappointed. Oh Lordy Lord! I AM in such a strange space of excitement … coupled with massive apprehension! ALL IS AS SHOULD BE DEAREST BLOSSOM. Let us put it this way for you … Does this not make sense as to why you were chosen to be our spokeswoman? If you were one of deep faith … you would not be assisting many that are just like yourself? DEEP INSIDE EACH ONE OF YOU IS THE TRUE KNOWING OF WHAT IS TO COME. HOW JOYOUS SHALL YOU BE WITH THAT RECOGNITION. Ok . I am hoping to have another chat with you before Christmas ... well, if I am to be honest … and bold … I would say before 21st Dec. Yet should it be that this is not possible as I seem … like everyone … to have an awful lot on … what would you choose to say to us … Keeping in mind that I am going to … at this juncture … get right out of my head for a moment and not get in the way with my fears and doubts and let you ‘burst forth ‘. We would then FEEL FREE to say : THAT WHICH YOU ARE IS LOVE. THAT WHICH YOU ARE IS TRUTH. THAT WHICH IS TO COME UPON YOU IS NOTHING OTHER THAN THE RECOGNITION OF THIS LOVE AND TRUTH. YOUR WAKENING TO THIS KNOWLEDGE … YOUR FEELING OF UTTER EUPHORIA AS THIS ‘HITS’ YOU SHALL GIVE YOU PERMISSION TO BOW DOWN IN HONOUR OF WHO YOU ARE. FOR IT IS YOU THAT IS COMING. DO YOU NOT SEE? IT IS YOU! YOU ARE ABOUT TO BECOME YOU! We are TRUSTING that it shall be possible to speak again soon … so we shall leave it there for now. As a human being at this time … I personally have a lot to accomplish … As much as I KNOW I should sit back and chill to bring in these energies … too many priorities need to be seen to . Yet I FEEL I AM denying my soul what it wants. Choice of expression as you KNOW. If it is so that there is much in the physical world that needs to be accomplished … Then by all means carry on doing so. Yet do it with ease, grace and a KNOWING that LOVE is taking over your ENTIRE THOUGHT. So that all that is done is showered in LOVING ENERGY and the smile that one is emanating from doing so … builds up into an almighty burst of something that has never been FELT upon your planet before. I will do my very best to fulfill that mission. Indeed. My love and thanks to you until next time. (Below is White Clouds 12/12/12/ activation audio for those who have not heard it. I personally do not FEEL it had to be done at that exact time, and one will benifit from it whenever they hear it .) http://www.blossomgoodchild.com/001_A_003_Blossom_12.12.12.WC_2012_12_12.mp3 Website: Blossom Goodchild
Blossom spends a great deal of her waking hours responding to emails .... all of which is given from the heart.
Any financial assistance to keep her channellings, newsletters etc freely available for everyone is very much appreciated. ![]() is brought together on our new website: ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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