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![]() Light regaining momentum; lightworkers’ progress; Afghanistan; importance of truth about US presidential election; new global economic system factors; diet; animals’ and humankind’s soul level agreement; animal and plant kingdoms
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Mainstream media are reporting dramatic happenings in your world, and while those are of monumental importance to everyone who is directly affected and to all caring persons, what is quietly going on behind the scenes has significance for the entire population. It is not our prerogative to speak about actions that are destroying the darkness’ last toeholds—those will be made known by appropriate individuals when the time is right in their thinking. What we can tell you that is so very encouraging is what we are seeing in Earth’s energy field of potential, which reflects the civilization’s collective thoughts, feelings and actions as well as the energy emitted by all other life forms on the planet. Intensifying light was steadily uprooting activities of the Illuminati until they released the coronavirus-19. Harsh restrictions, business closures, financial hardships, and vastly inflated statistics produced the mass of fear energy that refueled the foundering dark ones, and the energy field became an entanglement of chaotic streamers with light and dark attachments vying for dominance. Although that did not delay Earth’s ascension progress, there was no clarity in the tumultuous field as to when the streamers with light would regain strength to surge forward again and uplift the populace. In the continuum it is perfectly clear—the light won, Earth is restored to her original health and beauty, and the peaceful civilization is joyously thriving in health and prosperity. But when the struggle to manifest that ideal world went back into full force on the planet more than a year and a half ago, lightworkers were tossed back into the emotional trenches, so to say, and many of you started wondering if you really have been making a difference. Are Earth’s peoples awakening, are situations improving, is darkness really being vanquished? Dear family, absolutely you have been and are making a world of difference—literally! Yes, the peoples are awakening, situations are moving toward essential change, and the darkness definitely is being vanquished! Far from being a victory for them, the “pandemic” is their undoing. Now then, returning to the field of potential, recently streamers shimmering with light-filled attachments broke out of the entanglement and are gaining serious steam. They are zigzagging their way to unstoppable momentum as streamers with dark attachments are fast decreasing in number and strength. As tenacious as the Illuminati are, they cannot remain hidden as the light exposing them keeps growing brighter and brighter. They—and their proliferation of lies—cannot stand without the compliance of an unquestioning, frightened populace, and for a while that’s what they had. What they have now is growing numbers of fearless, defiant people who did question and concluded no more lockdowns, no more masks, no more vaccinations, no more control over us. How we wish we could tell you when the truth about so-called vaccines, so-called “Delta variant”—everything related to the “pandemic”—will come forth. The Illuminati’s grasp on mainstream media and Internet censorship are cracking, but not yet enough so that facts can replace the false “official” information. To be sure, that will come. And, to all who have been vaccinated, we say please do not feel fearful about future health issues. It is true that potential exists, but keep foremost in your thoughts that light is your immune system’s best ally, and as God told my mother, absorbing light is as simple as being kind. The eyes of the world are on the humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan, hearts around the world are with the people of that country. Indeed, the situation could have been managed much differently, with wisdom, foresight and compassion. What is occurring is a great sadness for us because the people of that country are facing dire living conditions under stern control, and for some, execution. No, this is not a matter of completing chosen karmic lessons. For some individuals, the flexibility in soul contracts can be applied, but most are and will be enduring experiences they did not choose, and none of them will know until they are in Nirvana that this gave them a leap forward in soul evolvement. It is true that the corrupt government had to be unseated and occupation troops withdrawn so Afghanis can set a course toward stability, cooperation and prosperity in a peaceful nation. That seems a slim hope in this moment, and it won’t come soon, but come it shall. The power of light’s vibrations eventually will heal wounds and unify the citizens in their common interest, love of family and country. All peoples need to know that when any government sends troops into another country to “secure freedom for its citizens” or “nation-building,” always it is for self-serving purposes. Never is it without bloodshed and exploitation, and when troops are withdrawn, the country is left in shambles. Ever-rising vibrations assure that never again will this happen on Earth! The importance of evidence coming forth about the fraudulent United States presidential election is twofold. The society needs to know that elections are manipulated by the Illuminati so they can control governments, and for two centuries, elections in that country and numerous others have been stolen by one means or another. This is why life on Earth has been in accordance with the Illuminati’s goal of world domination. Second, and this also has worldwide impact, it will change the United States’ form of governance. Shortly after the colonies united, British royalty and others in the Rothschild faction of the Illuminati secretly organized that nascent nation into a corporation, which they own. After a republic form of government is established in accordance with the country’s constitution, the legislation originally known as NESARA, now as G/NESARA or GESARA, can be implemented. By ending impoverishment for the masses and massive fortunes for a few, it is the economic basis of world transformation. In previous messages we have said we are not financial advisers, and that is true. However, to some extent we can answer your questions about what will happen when the global economic system based on precious metals is put into operation. We don’t know when that will take place, but we do know the transition from the current system to the new will be handled as smoothly as possible to minimize inconvenience and confusion. Money in checking and savings accounts in banks and credit unions will be secure because they’re in “brick and mortar” institutions, so to say. Although the major banking system is in Illuminati hands, terminating myriad accounts would require more time than they have. It’s likely that those institutions will close briefly during implementation of the new system. Arrangements will be made so workers’ earnings paid into government retirement accounts will be safeguarded and payments made to entitled recipients, and funds will be available for disability compensation and welfare provisions. A short delay in processing all of those payments is likely. We don’t know exactly how investments and pension-funding tied to stock markets will be affected because they are continuously strategically manipulated up and down by the Illuminati. An interruption in payments is probable as the markets are taken out of their control and stabilized. Credit cards with usurious interest rates are another tool of the Illuminati, intended to motivate spending beyond one’s means and create a population stressed by heavy debt. We don’t know if cards will continue to be a purchasing method—to be sure, charging is a convenience when used judiciously—or replaced by another form. Cryptocurrency also was devised by the Illuminati and is under their control. With a few computer data entries, all forms of that currency can be deleted—do not depend on “guaranteed anonymity” to save those accounts. It would be sensible to consider using those funds however they will best serve you instead of depending on them to be available for a long time. One more note about GESARA. Its purpose is to institute a fair, honorable global economic system and bring prosperity throughout your world. It is not designed to give every individual on the planet a large sum of money, as some misinformation about the legislation includes. [August 26, 2017 message has a comprehensive explanation of the legislation’s economic provisions.] “Do organic foods and vegetarian or vegan diets help in personal ascension?” Personal ascension, the advancement in spiritual and conscious awareness, comes with absorbing light, so let us talk about how diet affects that. Foods grown without chemicals in fertilizers and insecticides are indeed more healthful, but feeling stressed by the cost of those foods negates their benefits. Stress unbalances health in mind, body and spirit—that dims light within the body and weakens immunity. Fresh vegetables and fruits are the most nutritious because they contain the most light, and if grains are milled and legumes are treated without toxic chemicals, those also contain a lot of light. When the desired diet and the pocketbook are irreconcilable, give thanks for whatever you eat and intend that it serve your highest good. Some people feel their bodies need meat, sea food and dairy products to maintain health and others feel their bodies are healthier without those foods, but far beyond diet is how animals are treated. Animals in the food chain have a soul level agreement with humankind to provide nourishment in return for gratitude, respect and caring treatment during their lifetimes and to die with gentleness and dignity. Not only has “factory farming” egregiously violated humans’ part of that agreement, down through the ages, other animals, domesticated and wild, have been treated brutally, too. It was peoples’ relentless inhumanity to each other and the animals that caused planet Earth to spiral from high fifth density into deep third density and be mired there for millennia. Souls that embody as animals have a wide range of intelligence and emotions, and their families love each other just as you love yours. When they experience trauma in living and dying circumstances, that energy stays in their bodies and psyches, and when they enter Nirvana, they require and are given the same customized healing that traumatized persons need and receive. As integral parts of Creator’s unconditional love energy, every life in your animal and plant kingdoms is a soul with varying degrees of consciousness. Species-wide, the cetaceans are the most consciously and spiritually evolved souls on Earth—they volunteered to incarnate there in large forms to anchor in ocean depths the light beamed from distant civilizations. And think about the plant kingdom. Each seed knows when to start growing and what to become—grass, tree, flower, fruit, grain or vegetable—and each adds immeasurable quality to your life and to all other souls’ there. Perhaps especially in unsettling times such as this moment, it can be easy to forget that you affect and are affected by every other life on Earth. Living in consonance with this awareness contributes to the betterment of all lives with whom you are sharing the planet—this is personal ascensionand evolution of the civilization! Beloved sisters and brothers, your steadfastness in your mission has been invaluable in helping Earth’s peoples “see the light” so they can manifest the world they want where life is peaceful, harmonious and loving. All light beings in this universe honor you and support you with the power of unconditional love. _________________________ LOVE and PEACE Suzanne Ward Speaking now as Matthew alone, I add this personal note: Last week “Coast to Coast” radio show aired investigative reporter Cheryll Jones’ interview with my mother. I thank Cheryll for her superb effort in emphasizing vital information in my messages and the books: Love is the key to world transformation; the importance of being fearless; how members of many powerful civilizations, including reptilians in the light forces, are assisting Earth; and the vibrant, diverse life in Nirvana, Earth’s wondrous spirit world. All souls at this station are grateful to everyone who is raising Earth’s vibrations by sharing information messengers of the light transmit to their receiver-channels. Please send all questions and comments to suzy@matthewbooks.com. All messages from December 2003 to date are archived on www.matthewbooks.com. Please share them. Matthew Books YouTube channel. ![]()
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